libplayercore | |
libplayercommon | This C library provides error-reporting and debug output facilities |
▼Tutorials | Listed below are tutorials on various topics that may be of interest to users of Player |
Interfaces, drivers, and devices | Fundamental concepts in Player |
Migrating from Player 1.6 to Player 2.0 | Including a guide to updating your drivers |
Using cameras and blobfinders | Configuring and accessing cameras |
Using Player and Automake | A brief overview of how Automake works |
Using Player and CMake | A brief overview of how CMake works |
Cross-compiling | How to build Player for embedded systems |
Command line arguments | Parsing command-line arguments |
►Data logging | Logging sensor data to files and playing it back |
Laser format | Laser log format |
Ranger format | Ranger log format |
Localize format | Localize log format |
Position2d format | Position2d log format |
PTZ format | PTZ log format |
Opaque format | Opaque log format |
Sonar format | Sonar log format |
WiFi format | Wifi log format |
WSN format | WSN log format |
CoopObject format | CoopObject log format |
IMU format | IMU log format |
Pointcloud3d format | PointCloud3D log format |
Actarray format | Actarray log format |
AIO format | AIO log format |
DIO format | DIO log format |
RFID format | RFID log format |
IR format | IR log format |
Bumper format | Bumper log format |
Blobfinder format | Blobfinder log format |
Camera format | Camera data format |
Fiducial format | Fiducial log format |
GPS format | Gps log format |
Joystick format | Joystick log format |
Position3d format | Position3d format |
Power format | Power log format |
Writing configuration files | Config files |
Adding a new interface | How to add an interface for a new kind of device |
Writing a Player driver | How to write, compile, and load plugin driver |
Manipulating maps | Map-handling |
▼Player utilities | Player utilities |
player server | TCP server that allows remote access to Player devices |
playerv | General-purpose sensor visualization and device control GUI |
playernav | Multi-robot localization, navigation, and path-planning GUI |
playercam | Camera visualization GUI |
playerjoy | Joystick control for a mobile robot |
playerprint | Print sensor data to the console |
playervcr | Remote control of data logging and playback |
dgps_server | Differential GPS correction server |
playerwritemap | Retrieve map data and save it to a file |
▼Client Libraries | Libraries are available in various languages to facilitate the development of TCP client programs |
►libplayerc | A C client library for the player server |
libplayerc example | An example |
Client Data Modes | Describes the data modes used for delivering data from the server to the client |
Utility and error-handling | Some helper functions |
Multi-Client object | The multi-client object manages connections to multiple server in parallel |
Client API | The client object manages the connection with the Player server; it is responsible for reading new data, setting data transmission modes and so on |
Device API | The device object provides a common interface to the functionality that is shared by all device proxies (in OOP parlance, it is a base class) |
►Device proxies | Each interface has a corresponding proxy |
aio | The aio proxy provides an interface to the analog input/output sensors |
actarray | The actarray proxy provides an interface to actuator arrays such as the ActivMedia Pioneer Arm |
audio | The audio proxy provides access to drivers supporting the audio |
blackboard | The blackboard proxy provides an interface to a simple data-store in a similar fashion to a hash-map |
blinkenlight | The blinkenlight proxy provides an interface to a (possibly colored and/or blinking) indicator light |
blobfinder | The blobfinder proxy provides an interface to color blob detectors such as the ACTS vision system |
bumper | The bumper proxy provides an interface to the bumper sensors built into robots such as the RWI B21R |
camera | The camera proxy can be used to get images from a camera |
cooperating object | The coopobject proxy provides an interface to a networked Cooperating Object (Wireless Sensor Network, Networked Robot, etc.) |
dio | Put the node in sleep mode (0) or wake it up (1) |
fiducial | The fiducial proxy provides an interface to a fiducial detector |
gps | The gps proxy provides an interface to a GPS-receiver |
graphics2d | The graphics2d proxy provides an interface to the graphics2d |
graphics3d | The graphics3d proxy provides an interface to the graphics3d |
gripper | The gripper proxy provides an interface to the gripper |
health | The health proxy provides an interface to the HEALTH Module |
ir | The ir proxy provides an interface to the ir sensors built into robots such as the RWI B21R |
joystick | The joystick proxy can be used to get images from a joystick |
laser | The laser proxy provides an interface to scanning laser range finders such as the sicklms200 |
limb | The limb proxy provides an interface to limbs using forward/inverse kinematics, such as the ActivMedia Pioneer Arm |
localize | The localize proxy provides an interface to localization drivers |
log | The log proxy provides start/stop control of data logging |
map | The map proxy provides an interface to a map |
vectormap | The vectormap proxy provides an interface to a map of geometric features |
opaque | The opaque proxy provides an interface for generic messages to drivers |
planner | The planner proxy provides an interface to a 2D motion planner |
position1d | The position1d proxy provides an interface to 1 DOF actuator such as a linear or rotational actuator |
position2d | The position2d proxy provides an interface to a mobile robot base, such as the ActiveMedia Pioneer series |
position3d | The position3d proxy provides an interface to a mobile robot base, such as the Segway RMP series |
power | The power proxy provides an interface through which battery levels can be monitored |
ptz | The ptz proxy provides an interface to pan-tilt units such as the Sony PTZ camera |
ranger | The ranger proxy provides an interface to ranger sensor devices |
sonar | The sonar proxy provides an interface to the sonar range sensors built into robots such as the ActiveMedia Pioneer series |
wifi | The wifi proxy is used to query the state of a wireless network |
simulation | The simulation proxy is used to interact with objects in a simulation |
speech | The speech proxy provides an interface to a speech synthesis system |
speech recognition | The speech recognition proxy provides an interface to a speech recognition system |
rfid | The rfid proxy provides an interface to a RFID reader |
pointcloud3d | The pointcloud3d proxy provides an interface to a pointcloud3d device |
stereo | The stereo proxy provides an interface to a stereo device |
imu | The imu proxy provides an interface to an Inertial Measurement Unit |
wsn | The wsn proxy provides an interface to a Wireless Sensor Network |
►libplayerc++ | A C++ client library for the player server |
Proxies | The SomethingProxy class is a template for adding new subclasses of ClientProxy |
libplayerc++ example | An example of using libplayerc++ |
Signals & multithreading | Boost signal and thread support |
MultiClient | How to easily connect to multiple servers |
Constants and utility functions | Helper functions when using the library |
▼libplayerinterface | |
►Messaging basics | Interface-independent message types, sizes, units, address structures, etc |
Miscellaneous constants | Maximum message lengths, etc |
Message types | The Player message types |
Interface codes | An integer code is assigned to each interface |
Address structures | Device and message address structures |
General-purpose message structures. | These structures often appear inside other structures |
Units | Standard units used in Player messages |
Capabilities | Querying driver capabilities |
Property Bags | Querying driver properties |
►Interface specifications | All Player communication occurs through interfaces, which specify the syntax and semantics for a set of messages |
player | Player: the meta-device |
power | Power system |
gripper | Gripper interface |
position2d | Planar mobile robot |
sonar | DEPRECATED Array of ultrasonic rangers |
laser | DEPRECATED Laser range-finder |
blobfinder | A visual blob-detection system |
ptz | Pan-tilt-zoom unit |
audio | Interface to an audio system |
fiducial | Fiducial (marker) detection |
speech | Speech synthesis |
gps | Global positioning system |
bumper | An array of bumpers |
dio | Digital I/O |
aio | Analog I/O |
ir | DEPRECATED Array of infrared rangers |
wifi | WiFi signal information |
localize | Multi-hypothesis planar localization system |
position3d | A robot that moves in 3-D |
simulation | A robot simulator |
blinkenlight | An indicator light |
camera | Camera imagery |
map | Access maps |
planner | A planar path-planner |
log | Log read / write control |
joystick | Joystick control |
speech_recognition | Speech recognition |
opaque | A generic interface for user-defined messages |
position1d | A 1-D linear actuator |
actarray | An array of actuators |
limb | A multi-jointed limb |
graphics2d | Two-dimensional graphics interface |
rfid | RFID reader |
wsn | Wireless Sensor Networks |
graphics3d | Three-dimensional graphics interface |
health | Statgrab - System Infos |
imu | Inertial Measurement Unit |
pointcloud3d | A 3-D point cloud |
ranger | A range sensor |
vectormap | Access and update geometric features in a map |
blackboard | Access properties stored in a central repository |
stereo | Stereo imagery (left-right channels, disparity and a 3-D stereo point cloud) |
coopobject | Intelligent cooperating objects (WSNs, RFIDs, Networked Robots, etc.) |
Interface Utilities | These utilities are provided to make it easier to work with interface types |
libplayersd | Player service discovery library |
libplayertcp | Player TCP library |
▼libplayerdrivers | Library of standard Player drivers |
►Drivers | The drivers themselves |
amtecM5 | Amtec PowerCube modules |
alsa | Linux ALSA sound system driver |
imagebase | Driver base for image processing drivers, inherit from this driver and implement the process frame method |
LocalBB | Local memory implementation of a blackboard |
acts | ActivMedia color tracking system |
artoolkitplus | Coded marker detection from the artoolkitplus project |
cmvision | CMVision |
searchpattern | Pattern finder |
shapetracker | Tracks shapes in camera images |
simpleshape | Visual shape-detection |
upcbarcode | UPC barcode detection |
camera1394 | Firewire camera capture |
camerareq | PLAYER_CAMERA_REQ_GET_IMAGE request emitter |
camfilter | Camera image filtering driver |
cameracompress | Image compression |
camerauncompress | Image compression |
cvcam | OpenCV camera capture |
gstreamer | Gstreamer driver |
imageseq | Image file sequencer |
imgcmp | Image comparing driver |
imgsave | Image storage dispatcher |
kinect | USB camera driver for Microsoft Kinect camera |
libv4l2 | Libv4l2-based capture driver |
powershot | Canon Powershot digicam capture driver |
sphere | Logitech Sphere camera |
unicapimage | Unicapimage |
camerauvc | USB video (UVC) camera interface |
camerav4l | Video4Linux camera capture |
camerav4l2 | Video4Linux2 camera capture |
VideoCanny | OpenCV-based edge detection |
yarpimage | Driver for connecting to a YARP server and getting an Image |
bitlogic | Bitwise logic functions for dio interface |
blobtodio | Blobfinder to dio converter |
Blobtracker | Blob tracker that sends ptz commands in order to make camera follow certain blobs |
bumpertodio | Bumper to dio converter |
diodelay | Dio state delay |
diolatch | Dio bits latch |
portio | Low-level access to the hardware I/O ports |
rangertodio | Ranger to dio converter |
serio | Low-level access to the serial port control lines |
stalltodio | Position2d stall state to dio converter |
laserbar | Laser bar detector |
laserbarcode | Laser barcode detector |
laserfeature | Extract line/corner features from a laser scan |
laservisualbarcode | Color laser/visual barcode detector |
laservisualbw | Black & white laser/visual barcode detector |
garminnmea | Garmin GPS unit |
gbxgarminacfr | Gearbox Garmin GPS driver |
rt3xxx | Driver for the RT3XXX |
statgrab | Player driver for the health of a robot |
nimu | NIMU Inertial Measurement Unit driver |
razorimu | Sparkfun Razor IMU driver |
xsensmt | XSens MTx/MTi Inertial Measurement Unit driver |
linuxjoystick | Linux joystick |
Bumper2Laser | A driver to convert bumper readings to fake laser readings |
lasercspace | Laser configuration space |
lasercutter | Laser cutter |
laserposeinterpolator | Attach poses to laser scans |
laserrescan | Laser rescanner |
pbs | Hokuyo PBS 03JN driver |
RS4LeuzeLaser | RS4-E leuze laser range-finder |
sickLDMRS | SICK LD MRS / Multi plae and multi return laser scanner |
sicklms200 | SICK LMS 200 / PLS laser range-finder |
sicklms400 | SICK LMS 400 laser range-finder |
sicks3000 | SICK S 3000 laser range-finder |
eeDHcontroller | Calculates the joint commands for a given End Effector pose using ROBOOP's Inverse Kinematics algorithms |
amcl | Adaptive Monte Carlo localization |
ekfvmap | ScanMatching |
fakelocalize | Fake localization |
gridmap | Provides a map using sonars |
mapcspace | Grow obstacles in grid maps |
mapfile | Read grid maps from image files |
mapscale | Scale grid maps |
vmapfile | Read vector maps from text files |
obot | Botrics Obot mobile robot |
clodbuster | Clodbuster mobile robot |
cmucam2 | CMUCam2 pan-tilt-zoom blob-tracking camera |
epuck | Epuck Robot |
erratic | Erratic platform driver |
er1 | Evolution ER1 mobile robot |
garcia | Mixed mode driver for Garcia robot by Acroname |
hemisson | K-Team Hemisson mobile robot |
create | IRobot Create |
roomba | IRobot Roomba |
khepera | K-Team Khepera mobile robot |
mbasedriver | Mbase platform driver |
MRICP | Map Reference ICP |
nomad | NOMAD 200 driver |
nxt | Lego Mindstorms NXT |
p2os | ActivMedia mobile robots |
phidgetIFK | Phidget InterfaceKit driver |
reb | K-Team Kameleon Robotics Extension Board |
rflex | RWI mobile robots |
segwayrmp | Segway RMP mobile robot |
robotino | FESTO Robotino(R) robot |
sr3000 | SR3000 |
swissranger | SWISSRANGER |
wbr914 | White Box Robotics Model 914 robot |
flexiport | Flexiport multi-port driver |
serialstream | Serial streaming driver |
tcpstream | TCP streaming driver |
wavefront | Wavefront-propagation path-planner |
laserptzcloud | Build a 3D point cloud from laser and ptz data |
flockofbirds | Ascension Flock of Birds position tracker |
Blobposition | Localization device that treats blobs as object markers that can be used to retrieve real position of given object |
bumpersafe | Bumper monitor |
deadstop | Stop while dead |
differential | Differential steering (also skid-steering) |
Globalize | This driver replaces local (odometry) position data with global position |
Goto | A robot controller that drives a robot to a given target |
inertiacube2 | ISense InertiaCube2 IMU |
lasersafe | Bumper monitor |
mbicp | ScanMatching |
microstrain3dmg | MicroStrain 3DM-G IMU |
motionmind | Solutions Cubed motor controller |
sicknav200 | SICK NAV200 laser localisation unit |
nd | Nearness Diagram Navigation |
roboteq | Motor control driver for Roboteq AX2850 |
segwayrmp400 | Segway RMP 400 Mobile Robot |
snd | Smooth Nearness Diagram Navigation |
vfh | Vector Field Histogram local navigation algorithm |
gbxsmartbatteryacfr | Gearbox SmartBattery driver for OceanServer devices |
amtecpowercube | Amtec PowerCube pan-tilt unit |
canonvcc4 | Canon VC-C4 pan-tilt-zoom cameras |
ptu46 | Directed Perceptions PTU-46-17.5 pan-tilt unit |
sonyevid30 | Sony EVI-D30 and EVI-D100 pan-tilt-zoom cameras |
SpherePTZ | PTZ for Logitech Sphere AF webcams (based on experiences with real device) |
gbxsickacfr | Gearbox sickacfr SICK LMS driver library |
hokuyoaist | HokuyoAIST Hokuyo laser scanner driver library |
lasertoranger | Laser-to-Ranger converter |
rangerposeinterpolator | Attach poses to ranger scans |
RangerToLaser | Ranger-to-Laser converter |
sonartoranger | Sonar-to-Ranger converter |
acr_120u | ACR120U RFID reader |
insideM300 | Inside M300 RFID reader |
phidgetRFID | Phidget RFID reader |
sickrfi341 | SICK RFI341 RFID reader |
skyetekM1 | Skyetek M1 RFID reader |
service_adv_mdns | Multicast DNS service discovery |
cmdsplitter | Command flow splitter |
diocmd | Dio commands sender |
dummy | Dummy driver |
gripcmd | Gripper commands sender |
guile | Scripting engine for Player Server |
inhibitor | Command flow inhibitor |
kartowriter | Karto logger plugin |
opaquecmd | Opaque commands sender |
passthrough | General-purpose proxy driver |
postlog | Driver for storing log data into PostgreSQL database |
readlog | Playback of logged data |
relay | General-purpose communications relay driver |
speechcmd | Speech commands sender |
suppressor | Command flow suppressor |
velcmd | Velocity commands sender |
writelog | Logging data |
AioToSonar | Array of analog sonar sensors connected to an aio device |
festival | Festival speech synthesis system |
sphinx2 | Sphinx2 speech recognition system |
stoc | STOC |
PostGIS | Vectormap driver based on a Postgresql database with the PostGIS plugin |
robotracker | Robot tracker that updates vectormap layer with shapes of given robots |
Vec2Map | A driver to convert a vector map to a regular grid map |
aodv | Linux AODV ad hoc networking |
iwspy | Linux iwspy access |
linuxwifi | Linux WiFi devices |
accel_calib | Acceleration calibration driver |
generic_xbow | Crossbow Mica2, MicaZ, Iris and TelosB, TinyOS and Contiki operating systems compatible driver |
mica2 | Crossbow Mica2/Mica2Dot mote sensor node |
phidgetACC | Phidget ACC |
rcore_xbridge | TeCo Particle Router Core (XBridge) sensor node |