Here is a list of all modules:
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 libplayercommonThis C library provides error-reporting and debug output facilities
 TutorialsListed below are tutorials on various topics that may be of interest to users of Player
 Interfaces, drivers, and devicesFundamental concepts in Player
 Migrating from Player 1.6 to Player 2.0Including a guide to updating your drivers
 Using cameras and blobfindersConfiguring and accessing cameras
 Using Player and AutomakeA brief overview of how Automake works
 Using Player and CMakeA brief overview of how CMake works
 Cross-compilingHow to build Player for embedded systems
 Command line argumentsParsing command-line arguments
 Data loggingLogging sensor data to files and playing it back
 Writing configuration filesConfig files
 Adding a new interfaceHow to add an interface for a new kind of device
 Writing a Player driverHow to write, compile, and load plugin driver
 Manipulating mapsMap-handling
 Player utilitiesPlayer utilities
 player serverTCP server that allows remote access to Player devices
 playervGeneral-purpose sensor visualization and device control GUI
 playernavMulti-robot localization, navigation, and path-planning GUI
 playercamCamera visualization GUI
 playerjoyJoystick control for a mobile robot
 playerprintPrint sensor data to the console
 playervcrRemote control of data logging and playback
 dgps_serverDifferential GPS correction server
 playerwritemapRetrieve map data and save it to a file
 Client LibrariesLibraries are available in various languages to facilitate the development of TCP client programs
 libplayercA C client library for the player server
 libplayerc++A C++ client library for the player server
 Messaging basicsInterface-independent message types, sizes, units, address structures, etc
 Interface specificationsAll Player communication occurs through interfaces, which specify the syntax and semantics for a set of messages
 Interface UtilitiesThese utilities are provided to make it easier to work with interface types
 libplayersdPlayer service discovery library
 libplayertcpPlayer TCP library
 libplayerdriversLibrary of standard Player drivers
 DriversThe drivers themselves