Ranger format
Ranger log format. More...
Ranger log format.
The following type:subtype ranger messages can be logged:
- 1:1 (PLAYER_RANGER_DATA_RANGE) - A range scan. The format is:
- ranges_count (uint): number of ranges
- list of ranges_count ranges:
- range (double): distance
- 1:2 (PLAYER_RANGER_DATA_RANGEPOSE) - A range scan optionally with the (possibly estimated) geometry of the device when the scan was acquired and optional sensor configuration. The format is:
- ranges_count (uint): number of ranges
- list of ranges_count ranges:
- range (double): distance
- have_geom (uint8): If non-zero, the geometry data has been filled
- geometry of device at the time of range data:
- pose of device:
- px (float): X coordinate of the pose, in meters
- py (float): Y coordinate of the pose, in meters
- pz (float): Z coordinate of the pose, in meters
- proll (float): roll coordinate of the pose, in radians
- ppitch (float): pitch coordinate of the pose, in radians
- pyaw (float): yaw coordinate of the pose, in radians
- size of device:
- sw (float): width of the device, in meters
- sl (float): length of the device, in meters
- sh (float): height of the device, in meters
- element_poses_count (uint): pose of each individual range sensor that makes up the device
- list of element_poses_count poses:
- px (float): X coordinate of the pose, in meters
- py (float): Y coordinate of the pose, in meters
- pz (float): Z coordinate of the pose, in meters
- proll (float): roll coordinate of the pose, in radians
- ppitch (float): pitch coordinate of the pose, in radians
- pyaw (float): yaw coordinate of the pose, in radians
- element_sizes_count (uint): size of each individual range sensor that makes up the device
- list of element_sizes_count sizes:
- sw (float): width of the device, in meters
- sl (float): length of the device, in meters
- sh (float): height of the device, in meters
- pose of device:
- have_config(uint8): If non-zero, the config data has been filled
- config of device:
- min_angle (float): start angle of scans, in radians
- max_angle (float): end angle of scans, in radians
- angular_res (float): scan resolution, in radians
- min_range (float): minimum range, in meters
- max_range (float): maximum range, in meters
- range_res (float): range resolution, in meters
- frequency (float): scanning frequency, in Hz
- 1:3 (PLAYER_RANGER_DATA_INTNS) - An intensity scan. The format is:
- intensities_count (uint): number of intensities
- list of intensities_count intensities:
- intensity (double)
- 1:4 (PLAYER_RANGER_DATA_ITNSPOSE) - An intensity scan with an attached pose (estimated from the time of the scan). The format is:
- intensities_count (uint): number of intensities
- list of intensities_count intensities:
- intensity (double)
- have_geom (uint8): If non-zero, the geometry data has been filled
- geometry of device at the time of intensity data:
- pose of device:
- px (float): X coordinate of the pose, in meters
- py (float): Y coordinate of the pose, in meters
- pz (float): Z coordinate of the pose, in meters
- proll (float): roll coordinate of the pose, in radians
- ppitch (float): pitch coordinate of the pose, in radians
- pyaw (float): yaw coordinate of the pose, in radians
- size of device:
- sw (float): width of the device, in meters
- sl (float): length of the device, in meters
- sh (float): height of the device, in meters
- element_poses_count (uint): pose of each individual range sensor that makes up the device
- list of element_poses_count poses:
- px (float): X coordinate of the pose, in meters
- py (float): Y coordinate of the pose, in meters
- pz (float): Z coordinate of the pose, in meters
- proll (float): roll coordinate of the pose, in radians
- ppitch (float): pitch coordinate of the pose, in radians
- pyaw (float): yaw coordinate of the pose, in radians
- element_sizes_count (uint): size of each individual range sensor that makes up the device
- list of element_sizes_count sizes:
- sw (float): width of the device, in meters
- sl (float): length of the device, in meters
- sh (float): height of the device, in meters
- pose of device:
- have_config(uint8): If non-zero, the config data has been filled
- config of device:
- min_angle (float): start angle of scans, in radians
- max_angle (float): end angle of scans, in radians
- angular_res (float): scan resolution, in radians
- min_range (float): minimum range, in meters
- max_range (float): maximum range, in meters
- range_res (float): range resolution, in meters
- frequency (float): scanning frequency, in Hz
- 4:1 (PLAYER_RANGER_REQ_GET_GEOM) - Ranger pose information. The format is:
- pose of device:
- px (float): X coordinate of the pose, in meters
- py (float): Y coordinate of the pose, in meters
- pz (float): Z coordinate of the pose, in meters
- proll (float): roll coordinate of the pose, in radians
- ppitch (float): pitch coordinate of the pose, in radians
- pyaw (float): yaw coordinate of the pose, in radians
- size of device:
- sw (float): width of the device, in meters
- sl (float): length of the device, in meters
- sh (float): height of the device, in meters
- element_poses_count (uint): pose of each individual range sensor that makes up the device
- list of element_poses_count poses:
- px (float): X coordinate of the pose, in meters
- py (float): Y coordinate of the pose, in meters
- pz (float): Z coordinate of the pose, in meters
- proll (float): roll coordinate of the pose, in radians
- ppitch (float): pitch coordinate of the pose, in radians
- pyaw (float): yaw coordinate of the pose, in radians
- element_sizes_count (uint): size of each individual range sensor that makes up the device
- list of element_sizes_count sizes:
- sw (float): width of the device, in meters
- sl (float): length of the device, in meters
- sh (float): height of the device, in meters
- pose of device: