Grow obstacles in grid maps. More...

Grow obstacles in grid maps.

The mapcspace driver reads a occupancy grid map from another map device and convolves it with a robot of a particular shape and size to create the configuration space (C-space) map. That is, this driver "grows" obstacles in the map to produce a new map in which, for path-planning purposes, you can consider the robot to be a point.

Both occupied and unknown cells are grown.

Note that map devices produce no data; the map is delivered via a sequence of configuration requests.

Compile-time dependencies
Configuration requests
Configuration file options
  name "mapfile"
  provides ["map:0"]
  filename "mymap.pgm"
  resolution 0.1  # 10cm per pixel
  name "mapcspace"
  requires ["map:0"]  # read from map:0
  provides ["map:1"]  # output C-space map on map:1
  robot_shape "circle"
  robot_radius 0.5 m
Brian Gerkey