Multi-hypothesis planar localization system. More...

Detailed Description

Multi-hypothesis planar localization system.

The localize interface provides pose information for the robot. Generally speaking, localization drivers will estimate the pose of the robot by comparing observed sensor readings against a pre-defined map of the environment. See, for the example, the amcl driver, which implements a probabilistic Monte-Carlo localization algorithm.

 Data subtype: pose hypotheses.
 Request/reply subtype: set pose hypothesis.
 Request/reply subtype: get particle set.
typedef struct player_localize_hypoth player_localize_hypoth_t
 Hypothesis format. More...
typedef struct player_localize_data player_localize_data_t
 Data: hypotheses (PLAYER_LOCALIZE_DATA_HYPOTHS) More...
typedef struct player_localize_set_pose player_localize_set_pose_t
 Request/reply: Set the robot pose estimate. More...
typedef struct player_localize_particle player_localize_particle_t
 A particle.
typedef struct player_localize_get_particles player_localize_get_particles_t
 Request/reply: Get particles. More...

Typedef Documentation

◆ player_localize_data_t


The localize interface returns a data packet containing an an array of hypotheses.

◆ player_localize_get_particles_t

Request/reply: Get particles.

To get (usually a subset of) the current particle set (assuming the underlying driver uses a particle filter), send a null PLAYER_LOCALIZE_REQ_GET_PARTICLES request.

◆ player_localize_hypoth_t

Hypothesis format.

Since the robot pose may be ambiguous (i.e., the robot may at any of a number of widely spaced locations), the localize interface is capable of returning more that one hypothesis.

◆ player_localize_set_pose_t

Request/reply: Set the robot pose estimate.

Set the current robot pose hypothesis by sending a PLAYER_LOCALIZE_REQ_SET_POSE request. Null response.