HokuyoAIST Hokuyo laser scanner driver library. More...
HokuyoAIST Hokuyo laser scanner driver library.
This driver provides a ranger interface to the HokuyoAIST Hokuyo laser scanner driver. Communication with the laser is via the Flexiport library. The driver supports the SCIP protocol versions 1 and 2.
- Compile-time dependencies
- HokuyoAIST 3.0
- Flexiport 2.0
- Provides
- ranger : Output ranger interface
- Configuration requests
- Note: Only the min_angle and max_angle values can be configured using this request. To change the scanning frequency, use the speed_level property.
- Configuration file options
- get_intensities (boolean)
- Default: false
- Set to non-zero to get intensity data with each range scan on models that support it. This can also be enabled/disabled using the PLAYER_RANGER_REQ_INTNS message. Note that the data retrieval mode used to get intensity data requires that the scan is performed after the command is received, so this will introduce a slight delay before the data is delivered.
- portopts (string)
- Default: "type=serial,device=/dev/ttyACM0,timeout=1"
- Options to create the Flexiport port with. Note that any baud rate specified in this line should be the scanner's startup baud rate.
- pose (float 6-tuple: (m, m, m, rad, rad, rad))
- Default: [0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0]
- Pose (x, y, z, roll, pitch, yaw) of the laser relative to its parent object (e.g. the robot).
- size (float 3-tuple: (m, m, m))
- Default: [0.0 0.0 0.0]
- Size of the laser in metres.
- min_angle (float, radians)
- Default: -4.0 rad (Will use laser default)
- Minimum scan angle to return. Will be adjusted if outside the laser's scannable range.
- max_angle (float, radians)
- Default: 4.0 rad (Will use laser default)
- Maximum scan angle to return. Will be adjusted if outside the laser's scannable range.
- invert (boolean)
- Default: false
- If true, the reading will be inverted (i.e. read backwards). Useful if the laser scanner is mounted upside down.
- power (boolean)
- Default: true
- If true, the sensor power will be switched on upon driver activation (i.e. when the first client connects). Otherwise a power request must be made to turn it on before data will be received.
- verbose (boolean)
- Default: false
- Enable verbose debugging information in the underlying library.
- ignoreunknowns (boolean)
- Default: false
- Ignore unknown lines sent by the laser in response to sensor info request commands.
- Properties
- speed_level (integer, 0 to 10 or 99)
- Default: 0
- The speed at which the laser operates, as a level down from maximum speed. See the HokuyoAIST library documentation for suitable values.
- high_sensitivity (integer)
- Default: 0
- Set to non-zero to enable high sensitivity mode on models that support it.
- min_dist (float, metres)
- Default: 0m
- Minimum possible distance. Below that means there is an error (a scratch on the laser for instance). The reading is then adjusted to the average of the neighboring valid beams.
- hw_timestamps (boolean)
- Default: false
- When false, the server will use server time stamps in data messages. When true, the time stamp in the laser data will be used, offset to the current system time.
- Example
driver ( name "hokuyoaist" provides ["ranger:0"] portopts "type=serial,device=/dev/ttyS0,timeout=1" )