195 player_orientation_3d_t GetBaseOrientation(void) const { return GetVar(mDevice->base_orientation); }
268 uint32_t GetMixerDetailsCount() const {return(GetVar(mDevice->channel_details_list.details_count));};
270 player_audio_mixer_channel_detail_t GetMixerDetails(int aIndex) const {return(GetVar(mDevice->channel_details_list.details[aIndex]));};
272 uint32_t GetDefaultOutputChannel() const {return(GetVar(mDevice->channel_details_list.default_output));};
274 uint32_t GetDefaultInputChannel() const {return(GetVar(mDevice->channel_details_list.default_input));};
292 player_audio_seq_item_t GetSeqItem(int aIndex) const {return(GetVar(mDevice->seq_data.tones[aIndex]));};
297 player_audio_mixer_channel_t GetChannel(int aIndex) const {return(GetVar(mDevice->mixer_data.channels[aIndex]));};
379 void SetEventHandler(void (*on_blackboard_event)(playerc_blackboard_t *, player_blackboard_entry_t));
672 uint8_t GetSensorType (uint32_t index) const { if ( index < GetSensorNumber() ) return GetVar(mDevice->sensor_data[index].type); else return -1; };
675 uint16_t GetSensorData (uint32_t index) const { if ( index < GetSensorNumber() ) return GetVar(mDevice->sensor_data[index].value); else return -1; };
701 uint8_t GetAlarmType (uint32_t index) const { if ( index < GetAlarmNumber() ) return GetVar(mDevice->alarm_data[index].type); else return -1; };
704 uint16_t GetAlarmData (uint32_t index) const { if ( index < GetAlarmNumber() ) return GetVar(mDevice->alarm_data[index].value); else return -1; };
713 uint8_t GetUserData (uint32_t index) const { if ( index < GetUserDataNumber() ) return GetVar(mDevice->user_data[index]); else return 0xFF; };
722 double GetRSSInodeTime () const { return (double)(mDevice->RSSInodeTimeHigh + 10e-6*mDevice->RSSInodeTimeLow); };
742 uint8_t GetParameter (uint32_t index) const { if ( index < GetParametersSize() ) return GetVar(mDevice->parameters[index]); else return 0xFF; };
747 void SendData(int destID, int sourceID, int extradata_type, uint32_t extradata_size, uint8_t *extradata);
749 void SendCommand(int destID, int sourceID, int command, uint32_t cmd_parameters_size = 0, uint8_t *cmd_parameters = NULL);
751 void SendRequest(int destID, int sourceID, int request, uint32_t req_parameters_size = 0, uint8_t *req_parameters = NULL);
1472 { if (GetVar(mDevice->axes_count) <= (int32_t)aIndex) return -1.0; return GetVar(mDevice->pos[aIndex]); };
2623 { if (GetVar(mDevice->scan_count) <= (int32_t)aIndex) return -1.0; return GetVar(mDevice->scan[aIndex]); };
2714 void SaveFrame(const std::string aPrefix, uint32_t aWidth, playerc_camera_t aDevice, uint8_t aIndex);
2723 uint32_t mFrameNo[3];
2735 void SaveLeftFrame(const std::string aPrefix, uint32_t aWidth=4) {return SaveFrame(aPrefix, aWidth, mDevice->left_channel, 0); };
2739 void SaveRightFrame(const std::string aPrefix, uint32_t aWidth=4) {return SaveFrame(aPrefix, aWidth, mDevice->right_channel, 1); };
2743 void SaveDisparityFrame(const std::string aPrefix, uint32_t aWidth=4) {return SaveFrame(aPrefix, aWidth, mDevice->disparity, 2); };
2858 player_pointcloud3d_stereo_element_t operator [] (uint32_t aIndex) const { return GetPoint(aIndex); }
3009 PLAYERCC_EXPORT std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& os, const PlayerCc::ActArrayProxy& c);
3012 //PLAYERCC_EXPORT std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& os, const PlayerCc::BlinkenLightProxy& c);
3013 PLAYERCC_EXPORT std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& os, const PlayerCc::BlobfinderProxy& c);
3015 PLAYERCC_EXPORT std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& os, const PlayerCc::CameraProxy& c);PLAYERCC_EXPORT std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& os, const PlayerCc::CoopObjectProxy& c);
3017 PLAYERCC_EXPORT std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& os, const PlayerCc::FiducialProxy& c);
3024 PLAYERCC_EXPORT std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& os, const PlayerCc::LinuxjoystickProxy& c);
3025 PLAYERCC_EXPORT std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& os, const PlayerCc::LocalizeProxy& c);
3030 PLAYERCC_EXPORT std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& os, const PlayerCc::Position1dProxy& c);
3031 PLAYERCC_EXPORT std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& os, const PlayerCc::Position2dProxy& c);
3032 PLAYERCC_EXPORT std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& os, const PlayerCc::Position3dProxy& c);
3036 PLAYERCC_EXPORT std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& os, const PlayerCc::SimulationProxy& c);
3039 PLAYERCC_EXPORT std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& os, const PlayerCc::SpeechRecognitionProxy& c);
3041 PLAYERCC_EXPORT std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& os, const PlayerCc::VectorMapProxy& c);
3042 //PLAYERCC_EXPORT std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& os, const PlayerCc::WafeformProxy& c);
Structure describing the WSN node's data packet.
Definition: player_interfaces.h:4386
The PlannerProxy proxy provides an interface to a 2D motion planner.
Definition: playerc++.h:1720
double vel_roll
Angular velocity (radians/sec).
Definition: playerc.h:3001
uint32_t node_parent_id
The ID of the WSN node's parent (if existing).
Definition: playerc.h:3833
player_coopobject_sensor_t * sensor_data
Sensor measurements array.
Definition: playerc.h:1569
void DecompressRight()
decompress the right image
Definition: playerc++.h:2748
char * GetOwnIP() const
Get your current IP address.
Definition: playerc++.h:2932
player_bbox3d_t GetSize()
Accessor for the size (fill it in by calling RequestGeom)
Definition: playerc++.h:1357
double pose[3]
Robot geometry in robot cs: pose gives the position2d and orientation, size gives the extent...
Definition: playerc.h:2893
uint32_t GetLeftDepth() const
Left image color depth.
Definition: playerc++.h:2753
double GetYaw() const
Get the device's Yaw position (angle)
Definition: playerc++.h:2173
uint32_t GetDefaultInputChannel() const
Get Default input Channel.
Definition: playerc++.h:274
The SimulationProxy proxy provides access to a simulation device.
Definition: playerc++.h:2555
uint32_t details_count
number of tones in list
Definition: player_interfaces.h:1572
uint32_t GetPathValid() const
Did the planner find a valid path?
Definition: playerc++.h:1753
uint32_t GetWidth() const
Image dimensions (pixels)
Definition: playerc++.h:560
player_orientation_3d_t GetBaseOrientation(void) const
Accessor method for getting the base orientation.
Definition: playerc++.h:195
A rectangular bounding box, used to define the size of an object.
Definition: player.h:254
void SetSpeed(player_pose2d_t vel)
Overloaded SetSpeed that takes player_pose2d_t as an argument.
Definition: playerc++.h:2057
uint32_t GetOrigin() const
Cooperating Object type Possible values include.
Definition: playerc++.h:636
Data: calibrated IMU data (PLAYER_IMU_DATA_CALIB)
Definition: player_interfaces.h:4724
double robot_pose[3]
Robot pose (m,m,rad), filled in if the scan came with a pose attached.
Definition: playerc.h:2164
uint32_t GetMixerDetailsCount() const
Get Mixer Details Count.
Definition: playerc++.h:268
player_audio_seq_item_t GetSeqItem(int aIndex) const
Get Sequence item.
Definition: playerc++.h:292
double GetPa() const
Current pose (radians)
Definition: playerc++.h:1770
Note: the structure describing the WSN node's data packet is declared in Player.
Definition: playerc.h:3823
The LimbProxy class is used to control a limb device.
Definition: playerc++.h:1397
uint8_t state
Definition: playerc.h:1956
int pending_count
The number of pending (unprocessed) sensor readings.
Definition: playerc.h:2424
A rectangular bounding box, used to define the origin and bounds of an object.
Definition: player.h:307
uint32_t GetDisparityCompression() const
Get the disparity image's compression type Currently supported compression types are: ...
Definition: playerc++.h:2847
int GetLinkMode(int index) const
Get the connection mode from a particular link.
Definition: playerc++.h:2942
uint32_t GetCommand() const
Command type.
Definition: playerc++.h:736
player_pose3d_t GetPose(uint32_t aIndex) const
get a particular pose
Definition: playerc++.h:1204
player_point_2d_t * point
Scan data; x, y position (m).
Definition: playerc.h:2194
uint32_t GetParentID() const
Cooperating Object Parent ID.
Definition: playerc++.h:642
int state
Is logging/playback enabled? Call playerc_log_get_state() to fill it.
Definition: playerc.h:2485
player_coopobject_sensor_t * alarm_data
Active alarms array.
Definition: playerc.h:1573
double GetMinAngle() const
Scan range for the latest set of data (radians)
Definition: playerc++.h:1261
player_audio_wav_t wav_data
last block of recorded data
Definition: playerc.h:1138
uint32_t GetCount(void) const
Gets the number of actuators in the array.
Definition: playerc++.h:187
uint32_t alarm_data_count
Number of alarms included.
Definition: playerc.h:1571
int32_t default_input
default input channel (-1 for none)
Definition: player_interfaces.h:1578
double GetPitchSpeed() const
Get device Pitch speed.
Definition: playerc++.h:2326
double err_horz
Horizontal and vertical error (meters).
Definition: playerc.h:1774
uint8_t type
The type of sensor (see above)
Definition: player_interfaces.h:5476
void SaveRightFrame(const std::string aPrefix, uint32_t aWidth=4)
Save the right frame.
Definition: playerc++.h:2739
void SetSpeed(player_pose3d_t vel)
Overloaded SetSpeed that takes player_pose3d_t as input.
Definition: playerc++.h:2236
The Position3dProxy class is used to control a interface_position3d device.
Definition: playerc++.h:2195
The CoopObjectProxy class is used to control a coopobject device.
Definition: playerc++.h:598
double GetYSpeed() const
Get device Y speed.
Definition: playerc++.h:2317
player_imu_data_calib_t calib_data
Calibrated IMU data (accel, gyro, magnetometer)
Definition: playerc.h:3780
uint8_t num_beams
The number of breakbeams the gripper has.
Definition: playerc.h:1949
uint32_t GetBeams() const
Get the gripper break beam info.
Definition: playerc++.h:1029
void GetData(uint8_t *aDest) const
Opaque data.
Definition: playerc++.h:1702
int GetState() const
Is logging/playback enabled? Call QueryState() to fill it.
Definition: playerc++.h:1597
void SetSpeed(double aXSpeed, double aYSpeed, double aYawSpeed)
simplified version of SetSpeed
Definition: playerc++.h:2227
uint8_t GetAlarmType(uint32_t index) const
Alarm type Possible values include.
Definition: playerc++.h:701
bool GetStall() const
Is the device stalled?
Definition: playerc++.h:2332
The RangerProxy class is used to control a ranger device.
Definition: playerc++.h:2423
The VectorMapProxy class is used to interface to a vectormap.
Definition: playerc++.h:2865
double scan_start
Start bearing of the scan (radians).
Definition: playerc.h:2173
uint32_t GetRequest() const
Request type.
Definition: playerc++.h:734
uint32_t GetCount() const
return the point count
Definition: playerc++.h:1887
uint32_t GetButtons() const
return the sensor count
Definition: playerc++.h:1468
void SetSpeed(double aXSpeed, double aYawSpeed)
Same as the previous SetSpeed(), but doesn't take the yspeed speed (so use this one for non-holonomic...
Definition: playerc++.h:2053
int path_valid
Did the planner find a valid path?
Definition: playerc.h:2710
uint8_t GetStatus() const
Get device status.
Definition: playerc++.h:1990
uint32_t user_data_count
User defined message size (in bytes)
Definition: playerc.h:1576
std::string GetWord(uint32_t aWord) const
Accessor method for getting speech recognition data i.e. words.
Definition: playerc++.h:2688
uint32_t tones_count
number of tones in list
Definition: player_interfaces.h:1502
uint32_t GetRightWidth() const
Right image width (pixels)
Definition: playerc++.h:2762
player_pose3d_t * poses
Pose of each sonar relative to robot (m, m, radians).
Definition: playerc.h:3367
Status byte: limit min.
Definition: player_interfaces.h:3526
double GetMaxRange() const
Max range for the latest set of data (meters)
Definition: playerc++.h:1249
Status byte: limit max.
Definition: player_interfaces.h:3530
uint16_t points_count
The number of 3D pointcloud elementS found.
Definition: playerc.h:3690
player_point_2d_t GetPoint(uint32_t aIndex) const
Scan data (Cartesian): x,y (m)
Definition: playerc++.h:1282
double scanning_frequency
Scanning frequency in Hz.
Definition: playerc.h:2185
uint32_t data_count
length of raw data
Definition: player_interfaces.h:1466
uint32_t GetCount(void) const
Gets the number of words.
Definition: playerc++.h:2694
double GetPathLength() const
Get straight-line distance along path.
Definition: playerc++.h:1760
uint32_t GetLeftHeight() const
Left image height (pixels)
Definition: playerc++.h:2767
int GetID() const
get the laser ID, call RequestId first
Definition: playerc++.h:1300
uint8_t * bumpers
Bump data: unsigned char, either boolean or code indicating corner.
Definition: playerc.h:1404
double min_right
Minimum range, in meters, in the right half of the scan (those ranges from the first beam...
Definition: playerc.h:2210
uint32_t GetNumParticles() const
Get the number of particles (for particle filter-based localization systems).
Definition: playerc++.h:1568
int GetCellIndex(int x, int y) const
Return the index of the (x,y) item in the cell array.
Definition: playerc++.h:1643
The HealthProxy class is used to get infos of the player-server.
Definition: playerc++.h:1057
double GetJoules() const
Returns the joules.
Definition: playerc++.h:2359
float GetX() const
Cooperating Object X position.
Definition: playerc++.h:725
void SaveLeftFrame(const std::string aPrefix, uint32_t aWidth=4)
Save the left frame.
Definition: playerc++.h:2735
uint32_t GetHeight() const
Image dimensions (pixels)
Definition: playerc++.h:563
double GetLinkFreq(int index) const
Get the frequency from a particular link.
Definition: playerc++.h:2940
double GetZPos() const
Get device Z position.
Definition: playerc++.h:2302
uint32_t GetSatellites() const
Number of satellites in view.
Definition: playerc++.h:887
Definition: playerclient.h:313
int type
What kind of log device is this? Either PLAYER_LOG_TYPE_READ or PLAYER_LOG_TYPE_WRITE.
Definition: playerc.h:2481
uint32_t poses_count
the number of ir samples returned by this robot
Definition: player_interfaces.h:2133
double pose[3]
Laser geometry in the robot cs: pose gives the position and orientation, size gives the extent...
Definition: playerc.h:2160
uint32_t GetCount() const
The number of valid digital inputs.
Definition: playerc++.h:782
uint32_t GetTagsCount() const
returns the number of RFID tags
Definition: playerc++.h:2538
The Pointcloud3d proxy provides an interface to a pointcloud3d device.
Definition: playerc++.h:1869
uint32_t GetDisparityDepth() const
Disparity image color depth.
Definition: playerc++.h:2757
int GetCurrentWaypointId() const
Current waypoint index (handy if you already have the list of waypoints).
Definition: playerc++.h:1850
double GetMaxAngle() const
Stop angle of a scan (configured value)
Definition: playerc++.h:2500
uint32_t GetCount() const
Returns how many bumpers are in underlying device.
Definition: playerc++.h:495
uint8_t origin
The type of Cooperating Object.
Definition: playerc.h:1544
double GetLatitude() const
Latitude and longitude, in degrees.
Definition: playerc++.h:873
The GripperProxy class is used to control a gripper device.
Definition: playerc++.h:1004
The OpaqueProxy proxy provides an interface to a generic opaque.
Definition: playerc++.h:1680
uint32_t IsBumped(uint32_t aIndex) const
Returns true if the specified bumper has been bumped, false otherwise.
Definition: playerc++.h:498
bool IntensityOn() const
Whether or not reflectance (i.e., intensity) values are being returned.
Definition: playerc++.h:1275
double GetMapScale() const
Map scale (m/cell)
Definition: playerc++.h:1532
uint16_t GetAlarmData(uint32_t index) const
Alarm value.
Definition: playerc++.h:704
player_audio_mixer_channel_t * channels
the channels
Definition: player_interfaces.h:1535
int GetType() const
What kind of log device is this? Either PLAYER_LOG_TYPE_READ or PLAYER_LOG_TYPE_WRITE.
Definition: playerc++.h:1594
void GoTo(player_pose2d_t pos)
Same as the previous GoTo(), but doesn't take speed.
Definition: playerc++.h:2077
double GetAngularRes() const
Angular resolution of a scan (configured value)
Definition: playerc++.h:2503
uint32_t GetPoseCount() const
Returns the number bumper poses.
Definition: playerc++.h:508
player_pose2d_t GetGoal() const
Get the goal.
Definition: playerc++.h:1794
uint32_t GetUserDataNumber() const
Get number of bytes of user defined data.
Definition: playerc++.h:707
uint32_t GetPoseCount() const
Number of valid sonar poses.
Definition: playerc++.h:2629
The BlackBoardProxy class is used to subscribe to a blackboard device.
Definition: playerc++.h:352
playerc_blobfinder_blob_t GetBlob(uint32_t aIndex) const
returns a blob
Definition: playerc++.h:444
Structure containing a single actuator's information.
Definition: player_interfaces.h:3793
The Position2dProxy class is used to control a position2d device.
Definition: playerc++.h:2028
uint32_t GetMapTileY() const
Map tile Y dimension (cells)
Definition: playerc++.h:1529
double GetWatts() const
Returns the watts.
Definition: playerc++.h:2362
Info about an available (but not necessarily subscribed) device.
Definition: playerc.h:494
void GetLeftImage(uint8_t *aImage) const
Left image data This function copies the image data into the data buffer aImage.
Definition: playerc++.h:2806
player_pose3d_t GetPose() const
Accessor for the pose (fill it in by calling RequestGeom)
Definition: playerc++.h:1937
player_pointcloud3d_stereo_element_t GetPoint(uint32_t aIndex) const
return a particular point value
Definition: playerc++.h:2853
char * GetLinkESSID(int index) const
Get the ESSID from a particular link.
Definition: playerc++.h:2938
uint32_t GetNodeType() const
Get the node's type.
Definition: playerc++.h:2974
uint32_t GetImageSize() const
Size of the image (bytes)
Definition: playerc++.h:574
uint32_t GetSeqCount() const
Get Seq data count.
Definition: playerc++.h:290
uint32_t GetLeftWidth() const
Left image width (pixels)
Definition: playerc++.h:2760
player_bbox3d_t GetSize() const
Accessor for the size (fill it in by calling RequestGeom)
Definition: playerc++.h:1948
uint16_t GetRSSIstamp() const
Radio Signal Strength message timestamp.
Definition: playerc++.h:720
player_audio_seq_t seq_data
last block of seq data
Definition: playerc.h:1141
double pose[3]
Robot geometry in robot cs: pose gives the position1d and orientation, size gives the extent...
Definition: playerc.h:2799
double(* waypoints)[3]
List of waypoints in the current plan (m,m,radians).
Definition: playerc.h:2734
player_bbox3d_t GetDeviceSize() const
Return the device size.
Definition: playerc++.h:2445
player_audio_mixer_channel_list_detail_t channel_details_list
Details of the channels from the mixer.
Definition: playerc.h:1135
double GetAxes(uint32_t aIndex) const
return a particular scan value
Definition: playerc++.h:1471
int8_t GetDataRange() const
Range of grid data (default: empty = -1, unknown = 0, occupied = +1)
Definition: playerc++.h:1664
void SaveDisparityFrame(const std::string aPrefix, uint32_t aWidth=4)
Save the disparity frame.
Definition: playerc++.h:2743
uint32_t GetFormat() const
Image format Possible values include.
Definition: playerc++.h:571
the Stereo proxy provides access to the stereo device.
Definition: playerc++.h:2704
player_bbox2d_t fiducial_size
Dimensions of the fiducials in units of (m).
Definition: player_interfaces.h:1721
uint16_t GetRSSIsenderId() const
Radio Signal Strength sender ID.
Definition: playerc++.h:716
player_bumper_define_t GetPose(uint32_t aIndex) const
Returns a specific bumper pose.
Definition: playerc++.h:511
double GetXSpeed() const
Get the device's X speed.
Definition: playerc++.h:2176
player_pose3d_t device_pose
Device geometry in the robot CS: pose gives the position and orientation, size gives the extent...
Definition: playerc.h:3250
double GetMinRight() const
Minimum range reading on the right side.
Definition: playerc++.h:1372
double GetCourse() const
Course made good (heading if the robot moves along its longitudinal axis), in radians.
Definition: playerc++.h:884
int32_t default_output
default output channel (-1 for none)
Definition: player_interfaces.h:1576
The PlayerClient is used for communicating with the player server.
Definition: playerclient.h:120
double GetRSSInodeTime() const
Radio Signal Strength Cooperating Object timestamp.
Definition: playerc++.h:722
int quality
Quality of fix 0 = invalid, 1 = GPS fix, 2 = DGPS fix.
Definition: playerc.h:1777
The SpeechProxy class is used to control a speech device.
Definition: playerc++.h:2650
player_bbox2d_t GetFiducialSize() const
The size of the most recently detected fiducial.
Definition: playerc++.h:837
uint32_t GetPoseCount() const
get the number of poses
Definition: playerc++.h:1202
player_pose3d_t * poses
the pose of each IR detector on this robot
Definition: player_interfaces.h:2135
double GetFrequency() const
Scanning frequency (configured value)
Definition: playerc++.h:2515
player_pose3d_t GetPose(uint32_t aIndex) const
Sonar poses (m,m,radians)
Definition: playerc++.h:2632
uint32_t GetMapSizeY() const
Map Y dimension (cells)
Definition: playerc++.h:1523
uint8_t capacity
The capacity of the gripper's store - if 0, the gripper cannot store.
Definition: playerc.h:1951
int GetParticles()
Get the particle set.
Definition: playerc++.h:1554
double GetVdop() const
Vertical dilution of position (HDOP)
Definition: playerc++.h:896
player_bbox3d_t size
Size of the detector.
Definition: player_interfaces.h:1719
uint32_t GetRangeCount() const
Return the number of range readings.
Definition: playerc++.h:2453
void SetVelHead(double aXSpeed, double aYawHead)
Same as the previous SetVelHead(), but doesn't take the yspeed speed (so use this one for non-holonom...
Definition: playerc++.h:2067
uint8_t GetSensorType(uint32_t index) const
Sensor type Possible values include.
Definition: playerc++.h:672
bool IsEnabled() const
Is the device enabled?
Definition: playerc++.h:2018
uint32_t GetIntensityCount() const
Return the number of intensity readings.
Definition: playerc++.h:2465
double GetWy() const
Current waypoint location (m)
Definition: playerc++.h:1809
double GetXPos() const
Get the device's X position.
Definition: playerc++.h:2167
uint32_t GetHeight() const
get the height of the image
Definition: playerc++.h:450
uint32_t GetParametersSize() const
Request/Command parameter array size (in bytes)
Definition: playerc++.h:738
uint32_t GetProxyID() const
Get robot ID.
Definition: playerc++.h:645
player_localize_hypoth_t GetHypoth(uint32_t aIndex) const
Array of possible poses.
Definition: playerc++.h:1550
uint32_t GetAlarmNumber() const
Get number of alarms included in the message.
Definition: playerc++.h:678
float GetY() const
Cooperating Object Y position.
Definition: playerc++.h:727
bool IsLimitMin() const
Is the device at the min limit?
Definition: playerc++.h:1993
int bumper_count
Number of points in the scan.
Definition: playerc.h:1401
uint32_t GetChannelCount() const
Get Channel data count.
Definition: playerc++.h:295
uint32_t GetMapSizeX() const
Map X dimension (cells)
Definition: playerc++.h:1521
double GetUtmEasting() const
UTM easting and northing (meters).
Definition: playerc++.h:899
player_audio_mixer_channel_t GetChannel(int aIndex) const
Get Sequence item.
Definition: playerc++.h:297
uint8_t GetStatus() const
Cooperating Object status.
Definition: playerc++.h:731
uint32_t GetLeftCompression() const
Get the left image's compression type Currently supported compression types are:
Definition: playerc++.h:2837
double GetXSpeed() const
Get device X speed.
Definition: playerc++.h:2314
void GoTo(player_pose3d_t aPos)
Same as the previous GoTo(), but does'n take vel argument.
Definition: playerc++.h:2245
player_pointcloud3d_element_t GetPoint(uint32_t aIndex) const
return a particular scan value
Definition: playerc++.h:1890
bool GetStall() const
Get whether or not the device is stalled.
Definition: playerc++.h:1987
double GetConfMaxAngle() const
Scan range from the laser config (call RequestConfigure first) (radians)
Definition: playerc++.h:1272
int GetLinkCount() const
Get how many links the device sees.
Definition: playerc++.h:2930
player_imu_data_calib_t GetRawValues() const
Get all calibrated values.
Definition: playerc++.h:1156
void GetDisparityImage(uint8_t *aImage) const
Disparity image data This function copies the image data into the data buffer aImage.
Definition: playerc++.h:2826
uint32_t GetLeftImageSize() const
Size of the left image (bytes)
Definition: playerc++.h:2796
bool GetCharging() const
Returns whether charging is taking place.
Definition: playerc++.h:2365
uint32_t GetNodeParentID() const
Get the node's parent ID.
Definition: playerc++.h:2978
uint16_t GetRSSIvalue() const
Radio Signal Strength value.
Definition: playerc++.h:718
uint32_t GetCapacity() const
Get the capacity of the gripper's storage.
Definition: playerc++.h:1039
A rectangular bounding box, used to define the size of an object.
Definition: player.h:245
player_pose3d_t GetSensorPose() const
The pose of the sensor.
Definition: playerc++.h:829
uint32_t GetElementCount() const
Return the individual range sensor count.
Definition: playerc++.h:2440
double GetHdop() const
Horizontal dilution of position (HDOP)
Definition: playerc++.h:893
uint32_t GetNumHypoths() const
Get the number of localization hypoths.
Definition: playerc++.h:1564
uint32_t actuators_count
The number of actuators in the array.
Definition: playerc.h:1041
int GetLinkQuality(int index) const
Get the quality of a particular link.
Definition: playerc++.h:2946
player_point_3d_t GetBasePos(void) const
Accessor method for getting the base position.
Definition: playerc++.h:193
int GetIntensity(uint32_t aIndex) const
get the intensity
Definition: playerc++.h:1296
uint32_t GetRightImageSize() const
Size of the right image (bytes)
Definition: playerc++.h:2798
The RFIDProxy class is used to control a rfid device.
Definition: playerc++.h:2520
double GetRangeRes() const
Linear resolution (configured value)
Definition: playerc++.h:2512
player_bbox3d_t GetSize()
Accessor for the size (fill it in by calling RequestGeom)
Definition: playerc++.h:2105
uint32_t GetRightFormat() const
Image format Possible values include.
Definition: playerc++.h:2786
uint32_t beams
The position of the object in the gripper.
Definition: playerc.h:1958
bool GetStall() const
Is the device stalled?
Definition: playerc++.h:2185
The BumperProxy class is used to read from a bumper device.
Definition: playerc++.h:476
player_pose3d_t pose
Gripper geometry in the robot cs: pose gives the position and orientation, outer_size gives the exten...
Definition: playerc.h:1945
double GetYaw() const
Get device Yaw angle.
Definition: playerc++.h:2311
Definition: playerclient.h:95
player_pose3d_t pose
The complete pose of the IMU in 3D coordinates + angles.
Definition: playerc.h:3775
Note: the structure describing the HEALTH's data packet is declared in Player.
Definition: playerc.h:2017
uint32_t element_count
Number of individual elements in the device.
Definition: playerc.h:3229
uint8_t * GetAllParameters() const
Request/Command parameter array.
Definition: playerc++.h:740
player_pose3d_t GetPose() const
Get the pose of the gripper.
Definition: playerc++.h:1031
double GetPercent() const
Returns the percent of power.
Definition: playerc++.h:2356
double GetVel() const
Get current velocity.
Definition: playerc++.h:1984
double zoom
The current zoom value (field of view angle).
Definition: playerc.h:3152
bool IsLimitCen() const
Is the device at the center limit?
Definition: playerc++.h:1998
The LinuxjoystickProxy class is used to control a joystick device.
Definition: playerc++.h:1451
void SetSpeed(double aXSpeed, double aYSpeed, double aZSpeed, double aYawSpeed)
Send a motor command for a planar robot.
Definition: playerc++.h:2222
player_bbox3d_t GetOuterSize() const
Get the outer size of the gripper.
Definition: playerc++.h:1033
double GetMaxRange() const
Maximum detectable range of a scan (configured value)
Definition: playerc++.h:2509
uint8_t stored
The number of currently-stored objects.
Definition: playerc.h:1960
void GoTo(double aX, double aY, double aZ, double aRoll, double aPitch, double aYaw)
Same as the previous GoTo(), but only takes position arguments, no motion speed setting.
Definition: playerc++.h:2251
unsigned int blobs_count
A list of detected blobs.
Definition: playerc.h:1353
double GetBearing(uint32_t aIndex) const
get the bearing
Definition: playerc++.h:1291
double GetRollSpeed() const
Get device Roll speed.
Definition: playerc++.h:2323
player_pose3d_t GetRobotPose()
Accessor for the pose of the laser's parent object (e.g., a robot).
Definition: playerc++.h:1345
double GetRoll() const
Get device Roll angle.
Definition: playerc++.h:2305
uint32_t intensities_count
Number of intensities in a scan.
Definition: playerc.h:3264
double GetRange(uint32_t aIndex) const
get the range
Definition: playerc++.h:1287
The SpeechRecognition proxy provides access to a speech_recognition device.
Definition: playerc++.h:2675
char * GetLinkIP(int index) const
Get the IP address from a particular link.
Definition: playerc++.h:2934
player_fiducial_geom_t fiducial_geom
Geometry in robot cs.
Definition: playerc.h:1696
bool IsOverCurrent() const
Is the device over current limits?
Definition: playerc++.h:2008
int curr_waypoint
Current waypoint index (handy if you already have the list of waypoints).
Definition: playerc.h:2727
double GetZSpeed() const
Get device Z speed.
Definition: playerc++.h:2320
PLAYERC_EXPORT int playerc_localize_get_particles(playerc_localize_t *device)
Request the particle set.
The BlinkenlightProxy class is used to enable and disable a flashing indicator light, and to set its period, via a blinkenlight device.
Definition: playerc++.h:425
uint8_t * GetAllUserData() const
User defined data array.
Definition: playerc++.h:710
double GetScanRes() const
Angular resolution of scan (radians)
Definition: playerc++.h:1252
uint8_t * user_data
User defined data array.
Definition: playerc.h:1578
uint32_t parameters_count
Request/command parameters array size (in bytes)
Definition: playerc.h:1585
uint32_t ranges_count
number of samples
Definition: player_interfaces.h:2122
uint32_t GetDefaultOutputChannel() const
Get Default output Channel.
Definition: playerc++.h:272
double GetVoltage(uint32_t aIndex) const
get the current voltage
Definition: playerc++.h:1199
double min_left
Minimum range, in meters, in the left half of the scan (those ranges from the first beam after the mi...
Definition: playerc.h:2215
uint32_t GetWidth() const
get the width of the image
Definition: playerc++.h:448
int fiducials_count
List of detected beacons.
Definition: playerc.h:1699
uint32_t ranges_count
Number of ranges in a scan.
Definition: playerc.h:3259
uint32_t GetCompression() const
What is the compression type? Currently supported compression types are:
Definition: playerc++.h:591
uint32_t GetCount() const
return the sensor count
Definition: playerc++.h:2619
double GetSpeed() const
Spped over ground, in m/s.
Definition: playerc++.h:880
int GetLinkLevel(int index) const
Get the signal level of a particular link.
Definition: playerc++.h:2948
double GetMinLeft() const
Minimum range reading on the left side.
Definition: playerc++.h:1368
bool IsLimitMax() const
Is the device at the max limit?
Definition: playerc++.h:2003
uint32_t GetAxesCount() const
Number of valid joystick poses.
Definition: playerc++.h:1478
void SetSpeed(double aXSpeed, double aYawSpeed)
Same as the previous SetSpeed(), but doesn't take the sideways speed (so use this one for non-holonom...
Definition: playerc++.h:2232
int8_t GetCell(int x, int y) const
Get the (x,y) cell.
Definition: playerc++.h:1647
playerc_wifi_link_t * links
A list containing info for each link.
Definition: playerc.h:3445
double GetScan(uint32_t aIndex) const
return a particular scan value
Definition: playerc++.h:2622
The LaserProxy class is used to control a laser device.
Definition: playerc++.h:1224
uint16_t GetSensorData(uint32_t index) const
Sensor value.
Definition: playerc++.h:675
player_fiducial_item_t GetFiducialItem(uint32_t aIndex) const
Get detected beacon description.
Definition: playerc++.h:825
uint32_t GetWaypointCount() const
Number of waypoints in the plan.
Definition: playerc++.h:1854
double GetMinAngle() const
Start angle of a scan (configured value)
Definition: playerc++.h:2497
uint32_t channels_count
number of channels in list
Definition: player_interfaces.h:1533
double GetRange(uint32_t aIndex) const
get the current range
Definition: playerc++.h:1196
bool IsTrajComplete() const
Is the device finished moving?
Definition: playerc++.h:2013
uint8_t GetUserData(uint32_t index) const
Indexed user defined byte.
Definition: playerc++.h:713
player_pose2d_t GetPose() const
Get the current pose.
Definition: playerc++.h:1773
The LocalizeProxy class is used to control a localize device, which can provide multiple pose hypothe...
Definition: playerc++.h:1501
double(* scan)[2]
Scan data; range (m) and bearing (radians).
Definition: playerc.h:2191
double GetPitch() const
Get device Pitch angle.
Definition: playerc++.h:2308
double GetGa() const
Goal location (radians)
Definition: playerc++.h:1791
Note: the structure describing the Cooperating Object's data packet is declared in Player...
Definition: playerc.h:1531
int8_t data_range
Value for each cell (-range <= EMPTY < 0, unknown = 0, 0 < OCCUPIED <= range)
Definition: playerc.h:2549
player_bbox3d_t GetInnerSize() const
Get the inner size of the gripper.
Definition: playerc++.h:1035
float GetZ() const
Cooperating Object Z position.
Definition: playerc++.h:729
double GetVoltage(uint32_t aIndex) const
Get an input voltage.
Definition: playerc++.h:230
uint16_t parent_id
Cooperating Object Parent ID (if existing)
Definition: playerc.h:1548
void GoTo(double aX, double aY, double aYaw)
Same as the previous GoTo(), but only takes position arguments, no motion speed setting.
Definition: playerc++.h:2082
The Graphics3dProxy class is used to draw simple graphics into a rendering device provided by Player ...
Definition: playerc++.h:967
player_pose2d_t GetWaypoint(uint32_t aIndex) const
Get the waypoint.
Definition: playerc++.h:1836
void DecompressDisparity()
decompress the disparity image
Definition: playerc++.h:2750
uint32_t GetHypothCount() const
Number of possible poses.
Definition: playerc++.h:1547
playerc_speechrecognition_t * mDevice
libplayerc data structure
Definition: playerc++.h:2681
player_pose3d_t pose
Pose of the detector in the robot cs.
Definition: player_interfaces.h:1717
void ResetOdometry()
Reset odometry to 0.
Definition: playerc++.h:1968
double origin[2]
Map origin, in meters (i.e., the real-world coordinates of cell 0,0)
Definition: playerc.h:2546
double GetScanningFrequency() const
Scanning Frequency (Hz)
Definition: playerc++.h:1258
player_bbox3d_t GetSensorSize() const
The size of the sensor.
Definition: playerc++.h:833
3D Pointcloud element structure An element as stored in a 3D pointcloud, containing a 3D position plu...
Definition: player_interfaces.h:4861
double GetYPos() const
Get the device's Y position.
Definition: playerc++.h:2170
Status byte: limit trajectory complete.
Definition: player_interfaces.h:3534
void DecompressLeft()
decompress the left image
Definition: playerc++.h:2746
void SetProxyID(uint32_t value)
Set robot ID.
Definition: playerc++.h:648
uint8_t * image
Image data (byte aligned, row major order).
Definition: playerc.h:1473
double GetMaxAngle() const
Scan range for the latest set of data (radians)
Definition: playerc++.h:1263
double GetYawSpeed() const
Get the device's angular (yaw) speed.
Definition: playerc++.h:2182
double pos_roll
Device orientation (radians).
Definition: playerc.h:2995
uint16_t tags_count
The number of RFID tags found.
Definition: playerc.h:3649
uint32_t GetCount() const
Number of points in scan.
Definition: playerc++.h:1246
player_audio_seq_item_t * tones
the tones
Definition: player_interfaces.h:1504
uint32_t GetHeight() const
Map size, in cells.
Definition: playerc++.h:1658
uint32_t GetMapTileX() const
Map tile X dimension (cells)
Definition: playerc++.h:1527
uint32_t GetSensorNumber() const
Get number of sensors included in the message.
Definition: playerc++.h:651
player_pose3d_t GetPose() const
Get the processed pose of the imu.
Definition: playerc++.h:1134
uint32_t points_count
Number of scan points.
Definition: playerc.h:3277
uint32_t GetID() const
Cooperating Object ID.
Definition: playerc++.h:639
double GetResolution() const
Map resolution, m/cell.
Definition: playerc++.h:1651
uint32_t GetCount() const
Get number of voltages.
Definition: playerc++.h:227
uint32_t GetCount() const
return the point count
Definition: playerc++.h:2850
uint32_t GetWavDataLength() const
Get Wav data length.
Definition: playerc++.h:277
void GetRightImage(uint8_t *aImage) const
Right image data This function copies the image data into the data buffer aImage. ...
Definition: playerc++.h:2816
player_pose3d_t GetPose()
Accessor for the pose of the laser with respect to its parent object (e.g., a robot).
Definition: playerc++.h:1332
uint32_t GetPendingCount() const
Number of pending (unprocessed) sensor readings.
Definition: playerc++.h:1544
player_bumper_define_t * poses
Pose of each bumper relative to robot (mm, mm, deg, mm, mm).
Definition: playerc.h:1398
player_audio_mixer_channel_list_t mixer_data
current channel data
Definition: playerc.h:1144
int waypoint_count
Number of waypoints in the plan.
Definition: playerc.h:2730
double GetConfMinAngle() const
Scan range from the laser config (call RequestConfigure first) (radians)
Definition: playerc++.h:1270
int GetLinkEncrypt(int index) const
Get whether a particular link is encrypted.
Definition: playerc++.h:2944
uint8_t * parameters
Request/command parameters array.
Definition: playerc.h:1587
uint32_t GetPathDone() const
Have we arrived at the goal?
Definition: playerc++.h:1756
player_audio_mixer_channel_detail_t GetMixerDetails(int aIndex) const
Get Mixer Detail.
Definition: playerc++.h:270
uint32_t GetDepth() const
Image color depth.
Definition: playerc++.h:557
The Position1dProxy class is used to control a position1d device.
Definition: playerc++.h:1904
playerc_rfidtag_t GetRFIDTag(uint32_t aIndex) const
returns a RFID tag
Definition: playerc++.h:2540
double GetYPos() const
Get device Y position.
Definition: playerc++.h:2299
Status byte: limit over current.
Definition: player_interfaces.h:3532
double GetYawSpeed() const
Get device Yaw speed.
Definition: playerc++.h:2329
double GetPos() const
Get current position.
Definition: playerc++.h:1981
The AioProxy class is used to read from a aio (analog I/O) device.
Definition: playerc++.h:209
player_point_3d_t base_pos
The position of the base of the actarray.
Definition: playerc.h:1050
playerc_stereo_t * mDevice
libplayerc data structure
Definition: playerc++.h:2711
uint32_t GetPointCount() const
Return the number of point readings.
Definition: playerc++.h:2460
double GetWx() const
Current waypoint location (m)
Definition: playerc++.h:1806
double GetWa() const
Current waypoint location (rad)
Definition: playerc++.h:1812
player_pose3d_t GetDevicePose() const
Return the device pose.
Definition: playerc++.h:2443
int16_t value
Value of the sensor/alarm.
Definition: player_interfaces.h:5478
uint32_t GetCount() const
get the number of IR rangers
Definition: playerc++.h:1194
uint32_t GetDisparityWidth() const
Disparity image width (pixels)
Definition: playerc++.h:2764
uint32_t GetStored() const
Get the number of currently-stored objects.
Definition: playerc++.h:1041
uint32_t GetRightDepth() const
Right image color depth.
Definition: playerc++.h:2755
uint32_t GetDisparityHeight() const
Disparity image height (pixels)
Definition: playerc++.h:2771
int messageType
Flag to indicate that new info has come.
Definition: playerc.h:1537
The CameraProxy class can be used to get images from a camera device.
Definition: playerc++.h:526
char * GetLinkMAC(int index) const
Get the MAC address from a particular link.
Definition: playerc++.h:2936
int * intensity
Scan reflection intensity values (0-3).
Definition: playerc.h:2199
uint32_t GetDisparityFormat() const
Image format Possible values include.
Definition: playerc++.h:2793
double waypoint_distance
Straight-line distance along allwaypoints in the current plan.
Definition: playerc.h:2738
uint32_t GetCount() const
How long is the data?
Definition: playerc++.h:1699
double course
Course made good (heading if the robot moves along its longitudinal axis), in radians.
Definition: playerc.h:1762
Status byte: enabled.
Definition: player_interfaces.h:3536
The FiducialProxy class is used to control fiducial devices.
Definition: playerc++.h:806
uint32_t GetNodeID() const
Get the node's ID.
Definition: playerc++.h:2976
uint32_t sensor_data_count
Number of sensors included.
Definition: playerc.h:1567
player_pose3d_t GetOffset()
Accessor for the robot's pose with respect to its.
Definition: playerc++.h:2094
int MessageType() const
Message type Possible values include.
Definition: playerc++.h:628
playerc_pointcloud3d_element_t * points
The list of 3D pointcloud elements.
Definition: playerc.h:3693
The SonarProxy class is used to control a sonar device.
Definition: playerc++.h:2602
double GetAltitude() const
Altitude, in meters.
Definition: playerc++.h:877
uint32_t GetNumBeams() const
Get the number of breakbeams in the gripper.
Definition: playerc++.h:1037
uint32_t GetDisparityImageSize() const
Size of the disparity image (bytes)
Definition: playerc++.h:2800
double GetYSpeed() const
Get the device's Y speed.
Definition: playerc++.h:2179
uint32_t GetCount() const
returns the number of blobs
Definition: playerc++.h:442
double GetXPos() const
Get device X position.
Definition: playerc++.h:2296
player_audio_mixer_channel_detail_t * details
the tones
Definition: player_interfaces.h:1574
The Graphics2dProxy class is used to draw simple graphics into a rendering device provided by Player ...
Definition: playerc++.h:917
Definition: playerclient.h:104
double GetRangeRes() const
Range resolution of scan (mm)
Definition: playerc++.h:1255
int GetLinkNoise(int index) const
Get the noise level of a particular link.
Definition: playerc++.h:2950
uint32_t GetState() const
Get the gripper state.
Definition: playerc++.h:1027
player_wsn_node_data_t data_packet
The WSN node's data packet.
Definition: playerc.h:3835
double GetCharge() const
Returns the current charge.
Definition: playerc++.h:2353
void GetWavData(uint8_t *aData) const
Get Wav data This function copies the wav data into the buffer aImage.
Definition: playerc++.h:282
void GetImage(uint8_t *aImage) const
Image data This function copies the image data into the data buffer aImage.
Definition: playerc++.h:580
uint32_t GetRightHeight() const
Right image height (pixels)
Definition: playerc++.h:2769
player_wsn_node_data_t GetNodeDataPacket() const
Get a WSN node packet.
Definition: playerc++.h:2982
The DioProxy class is used to read from a dio (digital I/O) device.
Definition: playerc++.h:765
uint16_t RSSIsender
Cooperating Object data packet.
Definition: playerc.h:1553
uint32_t GetDigin() const
A bitfield of the current digital inputs.
Definition: playerc++.h:785
The ActArrayProxy class is used to control a actarray device.
Definition: playerc++.h:141
uint32_t GetCount() const
The number of beacons detected.
Definition: playerc++.h:822
uint32_t GetWidth() const
Map size, in cells.
Definition: playerc++.h:1655
uint32_t GetRightCompression() const
Get the right image's compression type Currently supported compression types are: ...
Definition: playerc++.h:2842
void GetMap(int8_t *aMap) const
Occupancy for each cell.
Definition: playerc++.h:1667
uint32_t GetLeftFormat() const
Image format Possible values include.
Definition: playerc++.h:2779
double GetErrHorizontal() const
Definition: playerc++.h:906
uint8_t GetParameter(uint32_t index) const
Indexed user defined byte.
Definition: playerc++.h:742
enum player_graphics3d_draw_mode player_graphics3d_draw_mode_t
Drawmode: enumeration that defines the drawing mode.
Definition: player_interfaces.h:5284
uint32_t GetState(void) const
Get driver state.
Definition: playerc++.h:299
int status
Status bitfield of extra data in the following order:
Definition: playerc.h:2822
Status byte: limit center.
Definition: player_interfaces.h:3528
player_pose2d_t GetCurrentWaypoint() const
Get the current waypoint.
Definition: playerc++.h:1815
double GetMinRange() const
Minimum detectable range of a scan (configured value)
Definition: playerc++.h:2506
player_orientation_3d_t base_orientation
The orientation of the base of the actarray.
Definition: playerc.h:1052