epuck Directory Reference


file  epuckCamera.hpp [code]
 Header file where are the EpuckCamera class, and the exception classes camera_version_error, window_out_of_range and window_length_error.
file  epuckDriver.hpp [code]
 Header file where is the EpuckDriver class, for Player version 2.1.
file  epuckInterface.hpp [code]
 Header file of the EpuckInterface class and the struct EpuckInterface::Triple.
file  epuckIR.hpp [code]
 Header file of EpuckIR class and struct EpuckIR::IRData.
file  epuckLEDs.hpp [code]
 Header file where are the EpuckLEDs class and the EpuckLEDs::LEDstate struct.
file  epuckPosition2d.hpp [code]
 Header file of the EpuckPosition2d class, and the EpuckPosition2d::BodyGeometry and EpuckPosition2d::DynamicConfiguration structs.
file  serialPort.hpp [code]
 Header file of SerialPort class.
file  timer.hpp [code]
 Header file of EpuckTimer class.