Device proxies

Each interface has a corresponding proxy. More...



The aio proxy provides an interface to the analog input/output sensors.


The actarray proxy provides an interface to actuator arrays such as the ActivMedia Pioneer Arm.


The audio proxy provides access to drivers supporting the audio_interface.


The blackboard proxy provides an interface to a simple data-store in a similar fashion to a hash-map.


The blinkenlight proxy provides an interface to a (possibly colored and/or blinking) indicator light.


The blobfinder proxy provides an interface to color blob detectors such as the ACTS vision system.


The bumper proxy provides an interface to the bumper sensors built into robots such as the RWI B21R.


The camera proxy can be used to get images from a camera.


The dio proxy provides an interface to the digital input/output sensors.


The fiducial proxy provides an interface to a fiducial detector.


The graphics2d proxy provides an interface to the graphics2d.


The graphics3d proxy provides an interface to the graphics3d.


The gripper proxy provides an interface to the gripper.


The health proxy provides an interface to the HEALTH Module.


The ir proxy provides an interface to the ir sensors built into robots such as the RWI B21R.


The joystick proxy can be used to get images from a joystick.


The laser proxy provides an interface to scanning laser range finders such as the sicklms200.


The limb proxy provides an interface to limbs using forward/inverse kinematics, such as the ActivMedia Pioneer Arm.


The localize proxy provides an interface to localization drivers.


The log proxy provides start/stop control of data logging.


The map proxy provides an interface to a map.


The vectormap proxy provides an interface to a map of geometric features.


The opaque proxy provides an interface for generic messages to drivers.


The planner proxy provides an interface to a 2D motion planner.


The position1d proxy provides an interface to 1 DOF actuator such as a linear or rotational actuator.


The position2d proxy provides an interface to a mobile robot base, such as the ActiveMedia Pioneer series.


The position3d proxy provides an interface to a mobile robot base, such as the Segway RMP series.


The power proxy provides an interface through which battery levels can be monitored.


The ptz proxy provides an interface to pan-tilt units such as the Sony PTZ camera.


The ranger proxy provides an interface to ranger sensor devices.


The sonar proxy provides an interface to the sonar range sensors built into robots such as the ActiveMedia Pioneer series.


The wifi proxy is used to query the state of a wireless network.


The simulation proxy is used to interact with objects in a simulation.


The speech proxy provides an interface to a speech synthesis system.

 speech recognition

The speech recognition proxy provides an interface to a speech recognition system.


The rfid proxy provides an interface to a RFID reader.


The pointcloud3d proxy provides an interface to a pointcloud3d device.


The stereo proxy provides an interface to a stereo device.


The imu proxy provides an interface to an Inertial Measurement Unit.


The wsn proxy provides an interface to a Wireless Sensor Network.

Detailed Description

Each interface has a corresponding proxy.

Last updated 25 May 2011 21:17:00