Gazebo logo



 Server object
 Client object
 Common data structures
 Common interface structures
gz_wifi_link_t gz_wifi_data::links [GAZEBO_WIFI_MAX_LINKS]
uint16_t gz_wifi_data::link_count


#define LIBGAZEBO_VERSION   0x060
 Interface version number.


char * gz_server::filename
 The directory containing mmap files.
int gz_server::sem_key
 The semphore key and id.
int gz_server::sem_cid
int gz_client::client_id
 The client id.
char * gz_client::filename
 The directory containing mmap files.
int gz_client::sem_key
 The semphore key and id.
int gz_client::sem_cid
size_t gz_data::size
 Allocation size.
char gz_data::model_type [GAZEBO_MAX_MODEL_TYPE]
 Type of model that owns this interface.
int gz_data::model_id
 ID of the model that owns this interface.
int gz_data::parent_model_id
 ID of the parent model.
int gz_iface::mmap_fd
void * gz_iface::mmap
char * gz_iface::filename
double gz_sim_data::sim_time
 Elapsed simulator time.
double gz_sim_data::pause_time
double gz_sim_data::real_time
int gz_sim_data::pause
 Pause simulation (set by client).
int gz_sim_data::reset
 Reset simulation (set by client).
int gz_sim_data::save
 Save current poses to world file (set by client).
 Pointer to interface data area.
double gz_camera_data::time
 Data timestamp.
unsigned int gz_camera_data::width
 Image dimensions (in pixels).
unsigned int gz_camera_data::height
unsigned int gz_camera_data::image_size
 Image pixel data.
unsigned char gz_camera_data::image [GAZEBO_CAMERA_MAX_IMAGE_SIZE]
 Pointer to interface data area.
double gz_factory_data::time
 Data timestamp.
uint8_t gz_factory_data::string [4096]
 String describing the model to be instantiated.
 Pointer to interface data area.
double gz_fiducial_fid::pos [3]
 Fiducial position relative to sensor (x, y, z).
double gz_fiducial_fid::rot [3]
 Fiducial orientation relative to sensor (roll, pitch, yaw).
double gz_fiducial_data::time
 Data timestamp.
int gz_fiducial_data::fid_count
 Observed fiducials.
gz_fiducial_fid_t gz_fiducial_data::fids [GZ_FIDUCIAL_MAX_FIDS]
 Pointer to interface data area.
double gz_guicam_data::sim_time
 Data timestamp (simulator time).
double gz_guicam_data::pause_time
double gz_guicam_data::pos [3]
 True object position (x, y, x).
double gz_guicam_data::rot [3]
 True object rotation (roll, pitch, yaw).
int gz_guicam_data::cmd_spot_mode
 Spot mode (0 = translate; 1 = zoom; 2 = rotate).
int gz_guicam_data::cmd_spot_state
 Spot state (0 = none; 1 = moving).
double gz_guicam_data::cmd_spot_a [2]
 Spot transform points (image coordinates).
double gz_guicam_data::cmd_spot_b [2]
int gz_guicam_data::roll_lock
int gz_guicam_data::display_bbox
 Display bounding boxes.
int gz_guicam_data::display_axes
 Display body axes.
int gz_guicam_data::display_com
 Display CoM axes.
int gz_guicam_data::display_skins
 Display skins.
int gz_guicam_data::display_rays
 Display sensor rays.
int gz_guicam_data::display_frustrums
 Display sensor frustrums.
int gz_guicam_data::display_materials
 Display materials.
int gz_guicam_data::display_textures
 Display textures.
int gz_guicam_data::polygon_fill
 Polygon mode: 0 = wireframe, 1 = filled.
int gz_guicam_data::shade_smooth
 Shade model: 0 = flat, 1 = smooth.
int gz_guicam_data::save_frames
 Save frames to disk.
unsigned int gz_guicam_data::width
 Image dimensions (in pixels).
unsigned int gz_guicam_data::height
unsigned char gz_guicam_data::image [GAZEBO_GUICAM_MAX_IMAGE_SIZE]
 Image pixel data; format is packed RGB888.
unsigned int gz_guicam_data::image_size
 Pointer to interface data area.
double gz_gps_data::time
 Data timestamp.
double gz_gps_data::utc_time
 UTC timestamp.
double gz_gps_data::latitude
 Latitude in degrees.
double gz_gps_data::longitude
 Longitude in degrees.
double gz_gps_data::altitude
 Altitude, in meters.
double gz_gps_data::utm_e
 UTM coordinates (meters).
double gz_gps_data::utm_n
int gz_gps_data::satellites
 Number of satellites in view.
int gz_gps_data::quality
 Fix quality.
double gz_gps_data::hdop
 Horizontal dilution of position (HDOP).
double gz_gps_data::vdop
 Vertical dilution of position (VDOP).
double gz_gps_data::err_horz
double gz_gps_data::err_vert
 Pointer to interface data area.
double gz_gripper_data::time
 Data timestamp.
int gz_gripper_data::cmd
int gz_gripper_data::lift_limit_reach
int gz_gripper_data::grip_limit_reach
int gz_gripper_data::outer_beam_obstruct
int gz_gripper_data::inner_beam_obstruct
int gz_gripper_data::left_paddle_open
int gz_gripper_data::right_paddle_open
int gz_gripper_data::paddles_opened
int gz_gripper_data::paddles_closed
int gz_gripper_data::paddles_moving
int gz_gripper_data::paddles_error
int gz_gripper_data::lift_up
int gz_gripper_data::lift_down
int gz_gripper_data::lift_moving
int gz_gripper_data::lift_error
 Pointer to interface data area.
double gz_laser_data::time
 Data timestamp.
double gz_laser_data::min_angle
 Range scan angles.
double gz_laser_data::max_angle
double gz_laser_data::res_angle
 Angular resolution.
double gz_laser_data::max_range
 Max range value.
int gz_laser_data::range_count
 Number of range readings.
double gz_laser_data::ranges [GZ_LASER_MAX_RANGES]
 Range readings.
int gz_laser_data::intensity [GZ_LASER_MAX_RANGES]
 Intensity readings.
int gz_laser_data::cmd_new_angle
int gz_laser_data::cmd_new_length
double gz_laser_data::cmd_max_range
double gz_laser_data::cmd_min_angle
double gz_laser_data::cmd_max_angle
int gz_laser_data::cmd_range_count
 Pointer to interface data area.
double gz_position_data::time
 Data timestamp.
double gz_position_data::pos [3]
 Pose (usually global cs); rotation is specified by euler angles.
double gz_position_data::rot [3]
double gz_position_data::vel_pos [3]
 Velocity; rotation is specified by euler angles.
double gz_position_data::vel_rot [3]
int gz_position_data::stall
 Motor stall flag.
int gz_position_data::cmd_enable_motors
 Enable the motors.
double gz_position_data::cmd_vel_pos [3]
 Commanded robot velocities (robot cs); rotation is specified by euler angles.
double gz_position_data::cmd_vel_rot [3]
 Pointer to interface data area.
double gz_power_data::time
 Data timestamp.
double gz_power_data::levels [10]
 Battery levels (volts).
 Pointer to interface data area.
double gz_ptz_data::time
 Data timestamp.
double gz_ptz_data::pan
 Measured orientation (radians).
double gz_ptz_data::tilt
double gz_ptz_data::zoom
 Measured field of view (radians).
double gz_ptz_data::cmd_pan
 Commanded orientation (radians).
double gz_ptz_data::cmd_tilt
double gz_ptz_data::cmd_zoom
 Commanded field of view (radians).
 General interface info.
 Pointer to interface data area.
double gz_sonar_data::time
 Data timestamp.
double gz_sonar_data::max_range
 Max range value.
int gz_sonar_data::sonar_count
 Number of sonar.
double gz_sonar_data::sonar_pos [GZ_SONAR_MAX_RANGES][3]
 Position of each sonar (x, y, z).
double gz_sonar_data::sonar_rot [GZ_SONAR_MAX_RANGES][3]
 Orientation of each soanr (roll, pitch, yaw).
double gz_sonar_data::sonar_ranges [GZ_SONAR_MAX_RANGES]
 Range readings (m).
int gz_sonar_data::cmd_enable_sonar
 Enable the sonars.
 Pointer to interface data area.
double gz_stereo_data::time
 Data timestamp.
unsigned int gz_stereo_data::width
 Image dimensions (in pixels).
unsigned int gz_stereo_data::height
unsigned int gz_stereo_data::left_image_size
 Left image (packed RGB888).
unsigned char gz_stereo_data::left_image [GAZEBO_STEREO_MAX_RGB_SIZE]
unsigned int gz_stereo_data::right_image_size
 Right image (packed RGB888).
unsigned char gz_stereo_data::right_image [GAZEBO_STEREO_MAX_RGB_SIZE]
unsigned int gz_stereo_data::left_disparity_size
 Left disparity image (packed float).
float gz_stereo_data::left_disparity [GAZEBO_STEREO_MAX_DISPARITY_SIZE]
unsigned int gz_stereo_data::right_disparity_size
 Right disparity image (packed float).
float gz_stereo_data::right_disparity [GAZEBO_STEREO_MAX_DISPARITY_SIZE]
 Pointer to interface data area.
double gz_truth_data::time
 Data timestamp.
double gz_truth_data::pos [3]
 True object position (x, y, z).
double gz_truth_data::rot [4]
 True object rotation (quaternion: u,x,y,z).
int gz_truth_data::cmd_new
 New command (0 or 1)?
double gz_truth_data::cmd_pos [3]
 Commanded object position (x, y, z).
double gz_truth_data::cmd_rot [4]
 Commanded object rotation (quaternion: u,x,y,z).
 Pointer to interface data area.
uint16_t gz_wifi_link::qual
uint16_t gz_wifi_link::level
uint16_t gz_wifi_link::noise
double gz_wifi_data::time
 Data timestamp.
 Pointer to interface data area.
double gz_joint_data::anchor [3]
 Anchor vector.
double gz_joint_data::axis [3]
 First axis.
double gz_joint_data::axis2 [3]
 Second axis, for Universal and Hinge2 joints.
double gz_joint_data::angular_velocity
 Angular velocity about first axis.
double gz_joint_data::angular_velocity2
 Angular velocity about second axis.
double gz_joint_data::angle
 Angle of first axis.
double gz_joint_data::angle2
 Angle of second axis.
double gz_joint_data::cmd_angle
 Commanded angle for the first axis.
double gz_joint_data::cmd_angle2
 Commanded angle for the second axis.
double gz_joints::time
 Data timestamp.
gz_joint_data_t gz_joints::joints [GAZEBO_JOINT_MAX_JOINTS]
int gz_joints::joint_count
 Pointer to interface data area.

Detailed Description

See Using libgazebo for information on using libgazebo.

Define Documentation

#define LIBGAZEBO_VERSION   0x060

Interface version number.

Variable Documentation

char* gz_server::filename [inherited]

The directory containing mmap files.

int gz_server::sem_key [inherited]

The semphore key and id.

int gz_server::sem_cid [inherited]

int gz_client::client_id [inherited]

The client id.

char* gz_client::filename [inherited]

The directory containing mmap files.

int gz_client::sem_key [inherited]

The semphore key and id.

int gz_client::sem_cid [inherited]

size_t gz_data::size [inherited]

Allocation size.

char gz_data::model_type[GAZEBO_MAX_MODEL_TYPE] [inherited]

Type of model that owns this interface.

int gz_data::model_id [inherited]

ID of the model that owns this interface.

int gz_data::parent_model_id [inherited]

ID of the parent model.

gz_client_t* gz_iface::client [inherited]

int gz_iface::mmap_fd [inherited]

void* gz_iface::mmap [inherited]

char* gz_iface::filename [inherited]

double gz_sim_data::sim_time [inherited]

Elapsed simulator time.

double gz_sim_data::pause_time [inherited]

Accumpated pause time (this interface may be updated with the server is paused).

double gz_sim_data::real_time [inherited]

int gz_sim_data::pause [inherited]

Pause simulation (set by client).

int gz_sim_data::reset [inherited]

Reset simulation (set by client).

int gz_sim_data::save [inherited]

Save current poses to world file (set by client).

gz_sim_data_t* gz_sim::data [inherited]

Pointer to interface data area.

double gz_camera_data::time [inherited]

Data timestamp.

unsigned int gz_camera_data::width [inherited]

Image dimensions (in pixels).

unsigned int gz_camera_data::height [inherited]

unsigned int gz_camera_data::image_size [inherited]

Image pixel data.

unsigned char gz_camera_data::image[GAZEBO_CAMERA_MAX_IMAGE_SIZE] [inherited]

gz_camera_data_t* gz_camera::data [inherited]

Pointer to interface data area.

double gz_factory_data::time [inherited]

Data timestamp.

uint8_t gz_factory_data::string[4096] [inherited]

String describing the model to be instantiated.

gz_factory_data_t* gz_factory::data [inherited]

Pointer to interface data area.

double gz_fiducial_fid::pos[3] [inherited]

Fiducial position relative to sensor (x, y, z).

double gz_fiducial_fid::rot[3] [inherited]

Fiducial orientation relative to sensor (roll, pitch, yaw).

double gz_fiducial_data::time [inherited]

Data timestamp.

int gz_fiducial_data::fid_count [inherited]

Observed fiducials.

gz_fiducial_fid_t gz_fiducial_data::fids[GZ_FIDUCIAL_MAX_FIDS] [inherited]

gz_fiducial_data_t* gz_fiducial::data [inherited]

Pointer to interface data area.

double gz_guicam_data::sim_time [inherited]

Data timestamp (simulator time).

double gz_guicam_data::pause_time [inherited]

Accumpated pause time (this interface may be updated with the server is paused).

double gz_guicam_data::pos[3] [inherited]

True object position (x, y, x).

double gz_guicam_data::rot[3] [inherited]

True object rotation (roll, pitch, yaw).

int gz_guicam_data::cmd_spot_mode [inherited]

Spot mode (0 = translate; 1 = zoom; 2 = rotate).

int gz_guicam_data::cmd_spot_state [inherited]

Spot state (0 = none; 1 = moving).

double gz_guicam_data::cmd_spot_a[2] [inherited]

Spot transform points (image coordinates).

double gz_guicam_data::cmd_spot_b[2] [inherited]

int gz_guicam_data::roll_lock [inherited]

Lock the roll (so that the image y axis corresponds to world z axis)

int gz_guicam_data::display_bbox [inherited]

Display bounding boxes.

int gz_guicam_data::display_axes [inherited]

Display body axes.

int gz_guicam_data::display_com [inherited]

Display CoM axes.

int gz_guicam_data::display_skins [inherited]

Display skins.

int gz_guicam_data::display_rays [inherited]

Display sensor rays.

int gz_guicam_data::display_frustrums [inherited]

Display sensor frustrums.

int gz_guicam_data::display_materials [inherited]

Display materials.

int gz_guicam_data::display_textures [inherited]

Display textures.

int gz_guicam_data::polygon_fill [inherited]

Polygon mode: 0 = wireframe, 1 = filled.

int gz_guicam_data::shade_smooth [inherited]

Shade model: 0 = flat, 1 = smooth.

int gz_guicam_data::save_frames [inherited]

Save frames to disk.

unsigned int gz_guicam_data::width [inherited]

Image dimensions (in pixels).

unsigned int gz_guicam_data::height [inherited]

unsigned char gz_guicam_data::image[GAZEBO_GUICAM_MAX_IMAGE_SIZE] [inherited]

Image pixel data; format is packed RGB888.

unsigned int gz_guicam_data::image_size [inherited]

gz_guicam_data_t* gz_guicam::data [inherited]

Pointer to interface data area.

double gz_gps_data::time [inherited]

Data timestamp.

double gz_gps_data::utc_time [inherited]

UTC timestamp.

double gz_gps_data::latitude [inherited]

Latitude in degrees.

double gz_gps_data::longitude [inherited]

Longitude in degrees.

double gz_gps_data::altitude [inherited]

Altitude, in meters.

double gz_gps_data::utm_e [inherited]

UTM coordinates (meters).

double gz_gps_data::utm_n [inherited]

int gz_gps_data::satellites [inherited]

Number of satellites in view.

int gz_gps_data::quality [inherited]

Fix quality.

double gz_gps_data::hdop [inherited]

Horizontal dilution of position (HDOP).

double gz_gps_data::vdop [inherited]

Vertical dilution of position (VDOP).

double gz_gps_data::err_horz [inherited]


double gz_gps_data::err_vert [inherited]

gz_gps_data_t* gz_gps::data [inherited]

Pointer to interface data area.

double gz_gripper_data::time [inherited]

Data timestamp.

int gz_gripper_data::cmd [inherited]

int gz_gripper_data::lift_limit_reach [inherited]

int gz_gripper_data::grip_limit_reach [inherited]

int gz_gripper_data::outer_beam_obstruct [inherited]

int gz_gripper_data::inner_beam_obstruct [inherited]

int gz_gripper_data::left_paddle_open [inherited]

int gz_gripper_data::right_paddle_open [inherited]

int gz_gripper_data::paddles_opened [inherited]

int gz_gripper_data::paddles_closed [inherited]

int gz_gripper_data::paddles_moving [inherited]

int gz_gripper_data::paddles_error [inherited]

int gz_gripper_data::lift_up [inherited]

int gz_gripper_data::lift_down [inherited]

int gz_gripper_data::lift_moving [inherited]

int gz_gripper_data::lift_error [inherited]

gz_gripper_data_t* gz_gripper::data [inherited]

Pointer to interface data area.

double gz_laser_data::time [inherited]

Data timestamp.

double gz_laser_data::min_angle [inherited]

Range scan angles.

double gz_laser_data::max_angle [inherited]

double gz_laser_data::res_angle [inherited]

Angular resolution.

double gz_laser_data::max_range [inherited]

Max range value.

int gz_laser_data::range_count [inherited]

Number of range readings.

double gz_laser_data::ranges[GZ_LASER_MAX_RANGES] [inherited]

Range readings.

int gz_laser_data::intensity[GZ_LASER_MAX_RANGES] [inherited]

Intensity readings.

int gz_laser_data::cmd_new_angle [inherited]

int gz_laser_data::cmd_new_length [inherited]

double gz_laser_data::cmd_max_range [inherited]

double gz_laser_data::cmd_min_angle [inherited]

double gz_laser_data::cmd_max_angle [inherited]

int gz_laser_data::cmd_range_count [inherited]

gz_laser_data_t* gz_laser::data [inherited]

Pointer to interface data area.

double gz_position_data::time [inherited]

Data timestamp.

double gz_position_data::pos[3] [inherited]

Pose (usually global cs); rotation is specified by euler angles.

double gz_position_data::rot[3] [inherited]

double gz_position_data::vel_pos[3] [inherited]

Velocity; rotation is specified by euler angles.

double gz_position_data::vel_rot[3] [inherited]

int gz_position_data::stall [inherited]

Motor stall flag.

int gz_position_data::cmd_enable_motors [inherited]

Enable the motors.

double gz_position_data::cmd_vel_pos[3] [inherited]

Commanded robot velocities (robot cs); rotation is specified by euler angles.

double gz_position_data::cmd_vel_rot[3] [inherited]

gz_position_data_t* gz_position::data [inherited]

Pointer to interface data area.

double gz_power_data::time [inherited]

Data timestamp.

double gz_power_data::levels[10] [inherited]

Battery levels (volts).

gz_power_data_t* gz_power::data [inherited]

Pointer to interface data area.

double gz_ptz_data::time [inherited]

Data timestamp.

double gz_ptz_data::pan [inherited]

Measured orientation (radians).

double gz_ptz_data::tilt [inherited]

double gz_ptz_data::zoom [inherited]

Measured field of view (radians).

double gz_ptz_data::cmd_pan [inherited]

Commanded orientation (radians).

double gz_ptz_data::cmd_tilt [inherited]

double gz_ptz_data::cmd_zoom [inherited]

Commanded field of view (radians).

gz_iface_t* gz_ptz::iface [inherited]

General interface info.

gz_ptz_data_t* gz_ptz::data [inherited]

Pointer to interface data area.

double gz_sonar_data::time [inherited]

Data timestamp.

double gz_sonar_data::max_range [inherited]

Max range value.

int gz_sonar_data::sonar_count [inherited]

Number of sonar.

double gz_sonar_data::sonar_pos[GZ_SONAR_MAX_RANGES][3] [inherited]

Position of each sonar (x, y, z).

double gz_sonar_data::sonar_rot[GZ_SONAR_MAX_RANGES][3] [inherited]

Orientation of each soanr (roll, pitch, yaw).

double gz_sonar_data::sonar_ranges[GZ_SONAR_MAX_RANGES] [inherited]

Range readings (m).

int gz_sonar_data::cmd_enable_sonar [inherited]

Enable the sonars.

gz_sonar_data_t* gz_sonar::data [inherited]

Pointer to interface data area.

double gz_stereo_data::time [inherited]

Data timestamp.

unsigned int gz_stereo_data::width [inherited]

Image dimensions (in pixels).

unsigned int gz_stereo_data::height [inherited]

unsigned int gz_stereo_data::left_image_size [inherited]

Left image (packed RGB888).

unsigned char gz_stereo_data::left_image[GAZEBO_STEREO_MAX_RGB_SIZE] [inherited]

unsigned int gz_stereo_data::right_image_size [inherited]

Right image (packed RGB888).

unsigned char gz_stereo_data::right_image[GAZEBO_STEREO_MAX_RGB_SIZE] [inherited]

unsigned int gz_stereo_data::left_disparity_size [inherited]

Left disparity image (packed float).

float gz_stereo_data::left_disparity[GAZEBO_STEREO_MAX_DISPARITY_SIZE] [inherited]

unsigned int gz_stereo_data::right_disparity_size [inherited]

Right disparity image (packed float).

float gz_stereo_data::right_disparity[GAZEBO_STEREO_MAX_DISPARITY_SIZE] [inherited]

gz_stereo_data_t* gz_stereo::data [inherited]

Pointer to interface data area.

double gz_truth_data::time [inherited]

Data timestamp.

double gz_truth_data::pos[3] [inherited]

True object position (x, y, z).

double gz_truth_data::rot[4] [inherited]

True object rotation (quaternion: u,x,y,z).

int gz_truth_data::cmd_new [inherited]

New command (0 or 1)?

double gz_truth_data::cmd_pos[3] [inherited]

Commanded object position (x, y, z).

double gz_truth_data::cmd_rot[4] [inherited]

Commanded object rotation (quaternion: u,x,y,z).

gz_truth_data_t* gz_truth::data [inherited]

Pointer to interface data area.

uint16_t gz_wifi_link::qual [inherited]

Link quality, level and noise information these could be uint8_t instead, <linux/wireless.h> will only return that much. maybe some other architecture needs larger??

uint16_t gz_wifi_link::level [inherited]

uint16_t gz_wifi_link::noise [inherited]

double gz_wifi_data::time [inherited]

Data timestamp.

gz_wifi_link_t gz_wifi_data::links[GAZEBO_WIFI_MAX_LINKS] [inherited]

A list of links

uint16_t gz_wifi_data::link_count [inherited]

gz_wifi_data_t* gz_wifi::data [inherited]

Pointer to interface data area.

double gz_joint_data::anchor[3] [inherited]

Anchor vector.

double gz_joint_data::axis[3] [inherited]

First axis.

double gz_joint_data::axis2[3] [inherited]

Second axis, for Universal and Hinge2 joints.

double gz_joint_data::angular_velocity [inherited]

Angular velocity about first axis.

double gz_joint_data::angular_velocity2 [inherited]

Angular velocity about second axis.

double gz_joint_data::angle [inherited]

Angle of first axis.

double gz_joint_data::angle2 [inherited]

Angle of second axis.

double gz_joint_data::cmd_angle [inherited]

Commanded angle for the first axis.

double gz_joint_data::cmd_angle2 [inherited]

Commanded angle for the second axis.

double gz_joints::time [inherited]

Data timestamp.

gz_joint_data_t gz_joints::joints[GAZEBO_JOINT_MAX_JOINTS] [inherited]

int gz_joints::joint_count [inherited]

gz_joints_t* gz_joint::data [inherited]

Pointer to interface data area.

Last updated 12 September 2005 21:38:45