Collaboration diagram for p2os:
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- Compile-time dependencies
- none
- Provides
- "odometry" position2d
- This interface returns odometry data, and accepts velocity commands.
- "compass" position2d
- This interface returns compass data (if equipped).
- "gyro" position2d
- This interface returns gyroscope data (if equipped).
- power
- Returns the current battery voltage (12 V when fully charged).
- sonar
- Returns data from sonar arrays (if equipped)
- aio
- Returns data from analog I/O ports (if equipped)
- dio
- Returns data from digital I/O ports (if equipped)
- "gripper" gripper
- Controls gripper (if equipped)
- "lift" actarray
- Controls a lift on the gripper (if gripper equipped)
- The lift is controlled by actuator 0. Position 1.0 is up and 0.0 is down.
- "arm" actarray
- Controls arm (if equipped)
- This driver does not support the player_actarray_speed_cmd and player_actarray_brakes_config messages.
- limb
- Inverse kinematics interface to arm
- This driver does not support the player_limb_setposition_cmd, player_limb_vecmove_cmd, player_limb_brakes_req and player_limb_speed_req messages.
- The approach vector is forward along the gripper with the orientation vector up from the gripper's centre.
- The limb takes pose commands in robot coordinates (offset from the robot's centre, not the limb's base) and returns pose data in the same coordinate space.
- The kinematics calculator is based on the analytical method by Gan et al. See: J.Q. Gan, E. Oyama, E.M. Rosales, and H. Hu, "A complete analytical solution to the inverse kinematics of the Pioneer 2 robotic arm," Robotica, vol.23, no.1, pp.123-129, 2005.
- "armgrip" gripper
- Controls the gripper on the end of the arm (if equipped)
- Good for using in conjunction with the limb
- bumper
- Returns data from bumper array (if equipped)
- blobfinder
- Controls a CMUCam2 connected to the AUX port on the P2OS board (if equipped).
- audio
- Controls the sound system of the AmigoBot, which can play back recorded wav files.
- Supported configuration requests
- "odometry" position2d :
- sonar :
- bumper :
- blobfinder :
- Configuration file options
- port (string)
- Default: "/dev/ttyS0"
- use_tcp (boolean)
- Defaut: 0
- Set to 1 if a TCP connection should be used instead of serial port (e.g. Amigobot with ethernet-serial bridge device attached)
- tcp_remote_host (string)
- Default: "localhost"
- Remote hostname or IP address to connect to if using TCP
- tcp_remote_port (integer)
- Default: 8101
- Remote port to connect to if using TCP
- Serial port used to communicate with the robot.
- radio (integer)
- Default: 0
- Nonzero if a radio modem is being used; zero for a direct serial link. (a radio modem is different from and older than the newer ethernet-serial bridge used on newer Pioneers and Amigos)
- bumpstall (integer)
- Default: -1
- Determine whether a bumper-equipped robot stalls when its bumpers are pressed. Allowed values are:
- -1 : Don't change anything; the bumper-stall behavior will be determined by the BumpStall value stored in the robot's FLASH.
- 0 : Don't stall.
- 1 : Stall on front bumper contact.
- 2 : Stall on rear bumper contact.
- 3 : Stall on either bumper contact.
- pulse (float)
- Default: -1
- Specify a pulse for keeping the robot alive. Pioneer robots have a built-in watchdog in the onboard controller. After a timeout period specified in the robot's FLASH, if no commands have been received from the player server, the robot will stop. By specifying a positive value here, the Player server will send a regular pulse command to the robot to let it know the client is still alive. The value should be in seconds, with decimal places allowed (eg 0.5 = half a second). Note that if this value is greater than the Pioneer's onboard value, it will still time out.
- Specifying a value of -1 turns off the pulse, meaning that if you do not send regular commands from your client program, the robot's onboard controller will time out and stop.
- WARNING: Overriding the onboard watchdog is dangerous! Specifying -1 and writing your client appropriately is definitely the preffered option!
- joystick (integer)
- Default: 0
- Use direct joystick control
- direct_wheel_vel_control (integer)
- max_xspeed (length)
- Default: 0.5 m/s
- Maximum translational velocity
- max_yawspeed (angle)
- Default: 100 deg/s
- Maximum rotational velocity
- max_xaccel (length)
- Default: 0
- Maximum translational acceleration, in length/sec/sec; nonnegative. Zero means use the robot's default value.
- max_xdecel (length)
- Default: 0
- Maximum translational deceleration, in length/sec/sec; nonpositive. Zero means use the robot's default value.
- max_yawaccel (angle)
- Default: 0
- Maximum rotational acceleration, in angle/sec/sec; nonnegative. Zero means use the robot's default value.
- rot_kp (integer)
- Default: -1
- Rotational PID setting; proportional gain. Negative means use the robot's default value.
- Requires P2OS1.M or above
- rot_kv (integer)
- Default: -1
- Rotational PID setting; derivative gain. Negative means use the robot's default value.
- Requires P2OS1.M or above
- rot_ki (integer)
- Default: -1
- Rotational PID setting; integral gain. Negative means use the robot's default value.
- Requires P2OS1.M or above
- trans_kp (integer)
- Default: -1
- Translational PID setting; proportional gain. Negative means use the robot's default value.
- Requires P2OS1.M or above
- trans_kv (integer)
- Default: -1
- Translational PID setting; derivative gain. Negative means use the robot's default value.
- Requires P2OS1.M or above
- trans_ki (integer)
- Default: -1
- Translational PID setting; integral gain. Negative means use the robot's default value.
- Requires P2OS1.M or above
- max_yawdecel (angle)
- Default: 0
- Maximum rotational deceleration, in angle/sec/sec; nonpositive. Zero means use the robot's default value.
- use_vel_band (integer)
- Default: 0
- Use velocity bands
- aa_basepos (3 floats)
- Default: (0.105, 0, 0.3185)
- Position of the base of the arm from the robot centre in metres.
- aa_baseorient (3 floats)
- Default: 0, 0, 0
- Orientation of the base of the arm from the robot centre in radians.
- aa_offsets (6 floats)
- Default: (0.06875, 0.16, 0, 0.13775, 0.11321, 0)
- Offsets for the actarray. Taken from current actuator to next actuator. Each offset is a straight line, not measured per axis.
- aa_orients (3x6 floats)
- Default: all zero
- Orientation of each actuator when it is at 0. Measured by taking a line from this actuator to the next and measuring its angles about the 3 axes of the previous actuator's coordinate space.
- Each set of three values is a single orientation.
- aa_axes (3x6 floats)
- Default: ((0,0,-1), (0,-1,0), (0,-1,0), (1,0,0), (0,1,0), (0,0,1))
- The axis of rotation for each joint in the actarray.
- Each set of three values is a vector along the axis of rotation.
- limb_pos (3 floats)
- Default: (0.105, 0, 0.3185)
- Position of the base of the arm from the robot centre in metres.
- limb_links (5 floats)
- Default: (0.06875, 0.16, 0, 0.13775, 0.11321)
- Offset from previous joint to this joint in metres. e.g. the offset from joint 0 to joint 1 is 0.06875m, and from joint 1 to joint 2 is 0.16m.
- The default is correct for the standard Pioneer arm at time of writing.
- limb_offsets (5 floats, metres)
- Default: (0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
- Angular offset of each joint from desired position to actual position (calibration data).
- Possibly taken by commanding joints to 0rad with actarray interface, then measuring their actual angle.
- gripper_pose (6 floats - 3 in metres, 3 in rads)
- Default: (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
- 3D pose of the standard gripper
- gripper_outersize (3 floats, metres)
- Default: (0.315, 0.195, 0.035)
- Size of the outside of the standard gripper
- gripper_innersize (3 floats, metres)
- Default: (0.205, 0.095, 1.0)
- Size of the inside of the standard gripper's fingers when fully open, i.e. the largest object it can pick up.
- armgrip_outersize (3 floats, metres)
- Default: (0.09, 0.09, 0.041)
- Size of the outside of the arm's gripper
- armgrip_innersize (3 floats, metres)
- Default: (0.054, 0.025, 1.0)
- Size of the inside of the arm's gripper (largest object it can hold)
- Example
driver ( name "p2os" provides ["odometry::position:0" "compass::position:1" "sonar:0" "power:0"] )