[Player utilities]

Collaboration diagram for playerv:

playerv is a GUI client program that visualizes sensor data from a player server. It also provides some teleoperation capabilities.

playerv requires the GTK+-2.0 development libraries and headers.

playerv is installed alongside player in $prefix/bin, so if player is in your PATH, then playerv should also be. Command-line usage is:
$ playerv [-h <hostname>] [-p <port>] [-rate <Hz>] [--<device>:<index>] [--<device>:<index>] ...
For example, to connect to Player on localhost at the default port (6665), and subscribe to the 0th position and sonar devices:
$ playerv --position:0 --sonar:0
To connect to Player on another machine (foo) at a non-default port (7000), and not subscribe to any devices:
$ playerv -h foo -p 7000

If rate is a positive value, playerv attempts to poll the server for data at the requested rate, in Hz. If rate is 0, then playerv switches to PUSH mode, in which the server pushes all data, when it's ready. The default rate is 5Hz.

When playerv starts, a window will pop up. Click and drag with the left mouse button to pan the window. Click and drag with the right mouse buttom to zoom the window. These are the same controls as Stage 1.3.x.

Use the "Devices" menu to control device subscriptions. For devices that can be teleoperated via playerv, click the "Command" item in the submenu for that device. See below for how to teleoperate different kinds of devices.

The "View" menu offers options for changing the look of the display.

The "File" menu offers options for dumping JPG and PPM screenshots and making MPEG movies (to make movies, you must have enabled movie support when building librtk).

playerv can visualize data from the following kinds of devices:

playerv provides teleoperation of the following kinds of devices:


Screenshot of playerv showing position and sonar data


Screenshot of playerv showing position, laser, blobfinder, and ptz data

Andrew Howard

Last updated 12 September 2005 21:38:45