[Interface specifications]

Collaboration diagram for ptz:

Detailed Description

Pan-tilt-zoom unit.

The ptz interface is used to control a pan-tilt-zoom unit, such as a camera.

 Request/reply subtype: generic.
 Request/reply subtype: control mode.
 Request/reply subtype: geometry.
 Request/reply subtype: status.
 Data subtype: state.
 Data subtype: geometry.
 Command subtype: state.
 Control mode, for use with PLAYER_PTZ_REQ_CONTROL_MODE.
 Control mode, for use with PLAYER_PTZ_REQ_CONTROL_MODE.
typedef player_ptz_data player_ptz_data_t
typedef player_ptz_cmd player_ptz_cmd_t
 Command: state (PLAYER_PTZ_CMD_STATE).
typedef player_ptz_req_status player_ptz_req_status_t
 Request/reply: Query pan/tilt status.
typedef player_ptz_geom player_ptz_geom_t
 Request/reply: Query geometry.
typedef player_ptz_req_generic player_ptz_req_generic_t
 Request/reply: Generic request.
typedef player_ptz_req_control_mode player_ptz_req_control_mode_t
 Request/reply: Control mode.

Typedef Documentation

Command: state (PLAYER_PTZ_CMD_STATE).

The ptz interface accepts commands that set change the state of the unit. Note that the commands are absolute, not relative.


The ptz interface returns data reflecting the current state of the Pan-Tilt-Zoom unit.

Request/reply: Query geometry.

To request ptz geometry, send a null PLAYER_PTZ_REQ_GEOM request.

Request/reply: Control mode.

To switch between position and velocity control (for those drivers that support it), send a PLAYER_PTZ_REQ_CONTROL_MODE request. Note that this request changes how the driver interprets forthcoming commands from all clients. Null response.

Request/reply: Generic request.

To send a unit-specific command to the unit, use the PLAYER_PTZ_REQ_GENERIC request. Whether data is returned depends on the command that was sent. The device may fill in "config" with a reply if applicable.

Request/reply: Query pan/tilt status.

To request pan/tilt status of the unit, send a null PLAYER_PTZ_REQ_STATUS request.

Last updated 12 September 2005 21:38:45