[Interface specifications]

Collaboration diagram for wifi:

Detailed Description

WiFi signal information.

The wifi interface provides access to the state of a wireless network interface.

 Request/reply subtype:.
 Request/reply subtype:.
 Request/reply subtype:.
 Request/reply subtype:.
 Data subtype: state.
 link quality is in dBm
 link quality is relative
 link quality is unknown
 unknown operating mode
 driver decides the mode
 ad hoc mode
 infrastructure mode (multi cell network, roaming)
 access point, master mode
 repeater mode
 secondary/backup repeater
typedef player_wifi_link player_wifi_link_t
 Link information for one host.
typedef player_wifi_data player_wifi_data_t
typedef player_wifi_mac_req player_wifi_mac_req_t
typedef player_wifi_iwspy_addr_req player_wifi_iwspy_addr_req_t

Typedef Documentation


The complete data packet format.

Link information for one host.

The wifi interface returns data regarding the signal characteristics of remote hosts as perceived through a wireless network interface; this is the format of the data for each host.

Last updated 12 September 2005 21:38:45