[Interface specifications]

Collaboration diagram for ranger:

Detailed Description

A range sensor.

Receive data from a range sensor, such as a laser scannar, sonar array or IR array.

Recommended Properties

The following properties are recommended to be provided by drivers supporting this interface, depending on device type.

Laser scanner devices

(string) type: Type of device. For human debugging rather than client usage.

Sonar array devices

(string) type: Type of device. For human debugging rather than client usage.

IR array devices

(string) type: Type of device. For human debugging rather than client usage.

 Data subtype: range scan.
 Data subtype: pose-stamped range scan.
 Data subtype: intensity scan.
 Data subtype: pose-stamped intensity scan.
 Data subtype: sensor geometry.
 Request/reply subtype: get geometry.
 Request/reply subtype: power config.
 Request/reply subtype: intensity data config.
 Request/reply subtype: set configuration.
 Request/reply subtype: get configuration.
typedef player_ranger_geom player_ranger_geom_t
 Data and Request/reply: Get geometry.
typedef player_ranger_data_range player_ranger_data_range_t
 Data: range scan (PLAYER_RANGER_DATA_RANGE).
typedef player_ranger_data_rangepose player_ranger_data_rangepose_t
 Data: pose-stamped range scan (PLAYER_RANGER_DATA_RANGEPOSE).
typedef player_ranger_data_intns player_ranger_data_intns_t
 Data: intensity scan (PLAYER_RANGER_DATA_INTNS).
typedef player_ranger_data_intnspose player_ranger_data_intnspose_t
 Data: post-stamped intensity scan (PLAYER_RANGER_DATA_INTNSPOSE).
typedef player_ranger_power_config player_ranger_power_config_t
 Request/reply: Turn power on/off (PLAYER_RANGER_REQ_POWER).
typedef player_ranger_intns_config player_ranger_intns_config_t
 Request/reply: Turn intensity data on/off for devices that provide it (PLAYER_RANGER_REQ_INTNS).
typedef player_ranger_config player_ranger_config_t
 Device configuration request (PLAYER_RANGER_REQ_GET_CONFIG).

Typedef Documentation

Device configuration request (PLAYER_RANGER_REQ_GET_CONFIG).

Request and change the device's configuration.

Data: intensity scan (PLAYER_RANGER_DATA_INTNS).

A set of intensity readings.

Data: post-stamped intensity scan (PLAYER_RANGER_DATA_INTNSPOSE).

An intensity scan with the (possibly estimated) pose of the device when the scan was acquired.

Data: range scan (PLAYER_RANGER_DATA_RANGE).

The basic ranger scan data packet, containing a set of range readings.

Data: pose-stamped range scan (PLAYER_RANGER_DATA_RANGEPOSE).

A range scan with the (possibly estimated) pose of the device when the scan was acquired.

Data and Request/reply: Get geometry.


The ranger device position, orientation and size.

Request/reply: Turn intensity data on/off for devices that provide it (PLAYER_RANGER_REQ_INTNS).

If the device is capable of providing intensity information (such as laser reflection intensity or IR voltage), this will enable the transmission of the data in the PLAYER_RANGER_DATA_INTNS data message.

Request/reply: Turn power on/off (PLAYER_RANGER_REQ_POWER).

If the device supports it, use this message to turn the power on or off.

Last updated 12 September 2005 21:38:45