

Detailed Description

The server is the glue between all the various parts of gazebo: rendering, physics, controllers, and sensors.


class  Entity
 Base class for all objects in Gazebo. More...
class  GazeboError
 Use gzthrow(data1 << data2) to throw errors. More...
class  GazeboMessage
 Use gzmsg(level) as an ostream to output messages, where level is an integer priority level. More...
class  Global
 The param:Global tag is used to specify certain global parameters for the server. More...
class  Model
 A model. More...
class  Pose3d
 Pose3d encapsulates a position and rotation in three space. More...
class  Quatern
 A quaternion class. More...
class  Simulator
 The World. More...
class  StringValue
class  Time
 A Time class. More...
class  UpdateParams
 Parameters used during update cycle. More...
class  Vector2
 Generic x,y vector. More...
class  Vector3
 Generic x,y,z vector. More...
class  World
 The World. More...
class  XMLConfig
 XML parser. More...
class  XMLConfigNode
 Class encapsulating a single xml node. More...


#define gzthrow(msg)   {std::ostringstream throwStream; throwStream << "Exception: " << msg << std::endl << std::flush; throw gazebo::GazeboError(__FILE__,__LINE__,throwStream.str()); }
 Throw an error.
#define gzmsg(level)   (gazebo::GazeboMessage::Instance()->Msg(level) << "[" << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << "]\n ")
 Output a message.
#define gzerr(level)   (gazebo::GazeboMessage::Instance()->Err(level) << "Error: [" << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << "]\n ")
#define gzlog()   (gazebo::GazeboMessage::Instance()->Log() << "[" << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << "] ")
 Log a message.

Last updated Aug 04 2007