
Stage simulates a 'world' composed of `models', defined in a `world file'.

API: Stg::StgWorld

Worldfile properties

Summary and default values

  title "[defaults to worldfile filename]"
  interval_real   100
  interval_sim    100
  gui_interval    100
  resolution      0.02

  • name [string]
    • the name of the world, as displayed in the window title bar. Defaults to the worldfile file name.
  • interval_sim [milliseconds]
    • the length of each simulation update cycle in milliseconds.
  • interval_real [milliseconds]
    • the amount of real-world (wall-clock) time the siulator will attempt to spend on each simulation cycle.
  • gui_interval [milliseconds]
    • the amount of real-world time between GUI updates
  • resolution [meters]
    • specifies the resolution of the underlying bitmap model. Larger values speed up raytracing at the expense of fidelity in collision detection and sensing.
More examples
The Stage source distribution contains several example world files in (stage src)/worlds along with the worldfile properties described on the manual page for each model type.

Generated on Thu Jan 7 17:42:16 2010 for Stage by  doxygen 1.5.5