Fiducial detector model

The fiducial model simulates a fiducial-detecting device.

API: Stg::StgModelFiducial

Worldfile properties

Summary and default values
  # fiducialfinder properties
  range_min 0.0
  range_max 8.0
  range_max_id 5.0
  fov 180.0

  # model properties
  size [0 0]

  • range_min float
    • the minimum range reported by the sensor, in meters. The sensor will detect objects closer than this, but report their range as the minimum.
  • range_max float
    • the maximum range at which the sensor can detect a fiducial, in meters. The sensor may not be able to uinquely identify the fiducial, depending on the value of range_max_id.
  • range_max_id float
  • the maximum range at which the sensor can detect the ID of a fiducial, in meters.
  • fov float
  • the angular field of view of the scanner, in degrees.

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