Laser model

The laser model simulates a scanning laser rangefinder

API: Stg::StgModelLaser

Worldfile properties

Summary and default values
    # laser properties
    samples 180
    range_min 0.0
    range_max 8.0
    fov 180.0

    # model properties
    size [0.15 0.15]
    color "blue"
    watts 17.5 # approximately correct for SICK LMS200

  • samples int
  • the number of laser samples per scan
  • range_min float
  • the minimum range reported by the scanner, in meters. The scanner will detect objects closer than this, but report their range as the minimum.
  • range_max float
  • the maximum range reported by the scanner, in meters. The scanner will not detect objects beyond this range.
  • fov float
  • the angular field of view of the scanner, in degrees.
  • laser_sample_skip
  • Only calculate the true range of every nth laser sample. The missing samples are filled in with a linear interpolation. Generally it would be better to use fewer samples, but some (poorly implemented!) programs expect a fixed number of samples. Setting this number > 1 allows you to reduce the amount of computation required for your fixed-size laser vector.

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