The camera1394 driver captures images from IEEE1394 (Firewire, iLink) cameras.
- Compile-time dependencies
- libraw1394
- libdc1394_control
- Provides
- Requires
- Configuration requests
- Configuration file options
- port (integer)
- Default: 0
- The 1394 port the camera is attached to.
- node (integer)
- Default: 0
- The node within the port
- framerate (float)
- Default: 15
- Requested frame rate (frames/second)
- mode (string)
- Default: "640x480_yuv422"
- Capture mode (size and color layour). Valid modes are:
- "320x240_yuv422"
- "640x480_mono"
- "640x480_yuv422"
- "640x480_rgb"
- "800x600_mono"
- "800x600_yuv422" - will be rescaled to 600x450
- "1024x768_mono"
- "1024x768_yuv422" - will be rescaled to 512x384
- "1280x960_mono"
- "1280x960_yuv422" - will be rescaled to 640x480
- Currently, all mono modes will produce 8-bit monochrome images unless a color decoding option is provided (see bayer).
- All yuv422 modes are converted to RGB24
- force_raw (integer)
- Default: 0
- Force the driver to use (slow) memory capture instead of DMA transfer (for buggy 1394 drivers).
- save (integer)
- Default: 0
- Debugging option: set this to write each frame as an image file on disk.
- bayer (string)
- Default: None.
- Bayer color decoding options for cameras such as the Point Grey Dragonfly and Bummblebee. Option activates color decoding and specifies the Bayer color pattern. Valid modes are:
- method (string)
- Default: None (or "DownSample" if bayer option is specified)
- Determines the algorithm used for Bayer coloro decoding. Valid modes are:
- "DownSample"
- "Nearest"
- "Edge"
- brightness (string or unsigned int)
- Default: None
- Sets the camera brightness setting. Valid modes are:
- "auto"
- any suitable unsigned integer
- exposure (string or unsigned int)
- Default: None
- Sets the camera exposure setting. Valid modes are:
- "auto"
- any suitable unsigned integer
- shutter (string or unsigned int)
- Default: None
- Sets the camera shutter setting. Valid modes are:
- "auto"
- any suitable unsigned integer
- gain (string or unsigned int)
- Default: None
- Sets the camera gain setting. Valid modes are:
- "auto"
- any suitable unsigned integer
- whitebalance (string)
- Default: None
- Sets the manual camera white balance setting. Only valid option:
- a string containing two suitable blue and red value unsigned integers
- Example
name "camera1394"
provides ["camera:0"]
- Authors
Nate Koenig, Andrew Howard Major code rewrite by Paul Osmialowski, newchief@king.net.pl
Generated on Tue May 3 14:16:10 2005 for Player by 1.3.6