Stg::StgModelPosition Member List
This is the complete list of members for Stg::StgModelPosition, including all inherited members.AddBlinkenlight(stg_blinkenlight_t *b) (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | [inline] |
AddBlock(stg_point_t *pts, size_t pt_count, stg_meters_t zmin, stg_meters_t zmax, stg_color_t color, bool inherit_color) (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | |
AddBlockRect(double x, double y, double width, double height) (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | |
AddCallback(void *address, stg_model_callback_t cb, void *user) (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | |
AddChild(StgModel *mod) (defined in Stg::StgAncestor) | Stg::StgAncestor | [virtual] |
AddFlag(StgFlag *flag) (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | |
AddLoadCallback(stg_model_callback_t cb, void *user) (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | [inline] |
AddSaveCallback(stg_model_callback_t cb, void *user) (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | [inline] |
AddShutdownCallback(stg_model_callback_t cb, void *user) (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | [inline] |
AddStartupCallback(stg_model_callback_t cb, void *user) (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | [inline] |
AddToPose(stg_pose_t pose) | Stg::StgModel | |
AddToPose(double dx, double dy, double dz, double da) | Stg::StgModel | |
AddUpdateCallback(stg_model_callback_t cb, void *user) (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | [inline] |
blinkenlights (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | [protected] |
blob_return (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | [protected] |
blocks (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | [protected] |
blocks_dl | Stg::StgModel | [protected] |
boundary (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | [protected] |
callbacks | Stg::StgModel | [protected] |
CallCallbacks(void *address) (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | |
child_type_counts | Stg::StgAncestor | |
children (defined in Stg::StgAncestor) | Stg::StgAncestor | [protected] |
ClearBlinkenlights() (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | [inline] |
ClearBlocks() | Stg::StgModel | |
color (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | [protected] |
data_fresh | Stg::StgModel | [protected] |
DataIsFresh() (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | [inline] |
DataVisualize(StgCamera *cam) (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | [protected, virtual] |
DataVisualizeTree(StgCamera *cam) (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | [protected] |
debug (defined in Stg::StgAncestor) | Stg::StgAncestor | [protected] |
Disable() (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | [inline] |
disabled (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | [protected] |
DrawBlinkenlights() (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | [protected] |
DrawBlocks() (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | [protected, virtual] |
DrawBlocks(gpointer dummykey, StgModel *mod, void *arg) (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | [protected, static] |
DrawBlocksTree() (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | [protected] |
DrawFlagList() (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | [protected] |
DrawGrid() (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | [protected] |
DrawImage(uint32_t texture_id, Stg::StgCamera *cam, float alpha) | Stg::StgModel | [protected] |
DrawOrigin() (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | [protected] |
DrawOriginTree() (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | [protected] |
DrawPicker() (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | [protected, virtual] |
DrawSelected(void) (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | [protected, virtual] |
DrawStatus(StgCamera *cam) (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | [protected, virtual] |
DrawStatusTree(StgCamera *cam) (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | [protected] |
DrawTrailArrows() (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | [protected] |
DrawTrailBlocks() (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | [protected] |
DrawTrailFootprint() (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | [protected] |
Enable() (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | [inline] |
est_origin | Stg::StgModelPosition | |
est_pose | Stg::StgModelPosition | |
est_pose_error | Stg::StgModelPosition | |
fiducial_key (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | [protected] |
fiducial_return (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | [protected] |
FiducialKey() (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | [inline] |
FiducialReturn() (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | [inline] |
flag_list (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | [protected] |
ForEachDescendant(stg_model_callback_t func, void *arg) | Stg::StgAncestor | |
geom (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | [protected] |
GetColor() (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | [inline] |
GetFlagCount() (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | [inline] |
GetGeom() | Stg::StgModel | [inline] |
GetGlobalPose() | Stg::StgModel | [virtual] |
GetGlobalVelocity() | Stg::StgModel | |
GetLaserReturn() (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | [inline] |
GetModel(const char *name) (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | |
GetPose() | Stg::StgModel | [inline] |
GetProperty(char *key) | Stg::StgModel | |
GetRangerReturn() (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | [inline] |
GetUnsubscribedModelOfType(stg_model_type_t type) | Stg::StgModel | |
GetVelocity() | Stg::StgModel | [inline] |
GetWorld() (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | [inline] |
global_pose (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | [protected] |
GlobalToLocal(stg_pose_t *pose) | Stg::StgModel | |
GoTo(double x, double y, double a) | Stg::StgModelPosition | |
GoTo(stg_pose_t pose) (defined in Stg::StgModelPosition) | Stg::StgModelPosition | |
gpose_dirty (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | [protected] |
GPoseDirtyTree() | Stg::StgModel | [protected] |
gripper_return (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | [protected] |
gui_grid (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | [protected] |
gui_mask (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | [protected] |
gui_nose (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | [protected] |
gui_outline (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | [protected] |
GuiMask() (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | [inline] |
Init() | Stg::StgModel | |
initfunc (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | [protected] |
interval (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | [protected] |
IsAntecedent(StgModel *testmod) (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | |
IsDescendent(StgModel *testmod) (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | |
IsRelated(StgModel *mod2) (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | |
laser_return (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | [protected] |
last_update (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | [protected] |
Load() | Stg::StgModelPosition | [virtual] |
Stg::StgModel::Load(Worldfile *wf, int wf_entity) | Stg::StgModel | [inline] |
load_hook (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | [protected] |
LoadControllerModule(char *lib) (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | |
LocalToGlobal(stg_pose_t pose) | Stg::StgModel | |
LocalToGlobal(stg_point3_t local) | Stg::StgModel | |
LookupId(uint32_t id) | Stg::StgModel | [inline, static] |
Map() (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | [protected] |
map_resolution (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | [protected] |
MapWithChildren() (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | [protected] |
mass (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | [protected] |
NeedRedraw() (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | |
obstacle_return (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | [protected] |
ObstacleReturn() (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | [inline] |
on_velocity_list (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | [protected] |
Parent() (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | [inline] |
parent (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | [protected] |
PlaceInFreeSpace(stg_meters_t xmin, stg_meters_t xmax, stg_meters_t ymin, stg_meters_t ymax) (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | |
PopColor() (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | [inline, protected, virtual] |
PopCoords() (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | [protected] |
PopFlag() (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | |
PopPose() (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | [protected] |
pose (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | [protected] |
Print(char *prefix) (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | [virtual] |
PrintWithPose() (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | [virtual] |
props | Stg::StgModel | [protected] |
PushColor(stg_color_t col) (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | [inline, protected, virtual] |
PushColor(double r, double g, double b, double a) (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | [inline, protected, virtual] |
PushFlag(StgFlag *flag) (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | |
PushLocalCoords() (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | [protected] |
PushMyPose() (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | [protected] |
ranger_return (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | [protected] |
Raytrace(stg_pose_t pose, stg_meters_t range, stg_block_match_func_t func, const void *arg, stg_raytrace_sample_t *sample, bool ztest=true) | Stg::StgModel | [protected] |
Raytrace(stg_pose_t pose, stg_meters_t range, stg_radians_t fov, stg_block_match_func_t func, const void *arg, stg_raytrace_sample_t *samples, uint32_t sample_count, bool ztest=true) | Stg::StgModel | [protected] |
Raytrace(stg_radians_t bearing, stg_meters_t range, stg_block_match_func_t func, const void *arg, stg_raytrace_sample_t *sample, bool ztest=true) (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | [protected] |
Raytrace(stg_radians_t bearing, stg_meters_t range, stg_radians_t fov, stg_block_match_func_t func, const void *arg, stg_raytrace_sample_t *samples, uint32_t sample_count, bool ztest=true) (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | [protected] |
rebuild_displaylist (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | [protected] |
registerOption(Option *opt) | Stg::StgModel | [inline, protected] |
RemoveCallback(void *member, stg_model_callback_t callback) (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | |
RemoveChild(StgModel *mod) (defined in Stg::StgAncestor) | Stg::StgAncestor | [virtual] |
RemoveFlag(StgFlag *flag) (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | |
RemoveLoadCallback(stg_model_callback_t cb) (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | [inline] |
RemoveSaveCallback(stg_model_callback_t cb) (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | [inline] |
RemoveShutdownCallback(stg_model_callback_t cb) (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | [inline] |
RemoveStartupCallback(stg_model_callback_t cb) (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | [inline] |
RemoveUpdateCallback(stg_model_callback_t cb) (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | [inline] |
Root() | Stg::StgModel | [inline] |
Save() | Stg::StgModel | [virtual] |
save_hook (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | [protected] |
Say(const char *str) (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | |
say_string | Stg::StgModel | [protected] |
SetBlobReturn(int val) (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | |
SetBoundary(int val) (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | |
SetColor(stg_color_t col) (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | |
SetFiducialKey(int key) | Stg::StgModel | |
SetFiducialReturn(int fid) | Stg::StgModel | |
SetGeom(stg_geom_t src) | Stg::StgModel | |
SetGlobalPose(stg_pose_t gpose) | Stg::StgModel | |
SetGlobalVelocity(stg_velocity_t gvel) (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | |
SetGripperReturn(int val) (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | |
SetGuiGrid(int val) (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | |
SetGuiMask(int val) (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | |
SetGuiNose(int val) (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | |
SetGuiOutline(int val) (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | |
SetLaserReturn(stg_laser_return_t val) (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | |
SetMapResolution(stg_meters_t res) (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | |
SetMass(stg_kg_t mass) (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | |
SetObstacleReturn(int val) (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | |
SetOdom(stg_pose_t odom) | Stg::StgModelPosition | |
SetParent(StgModel *newparent) | Stg::StgModel | |
SetPose(stg_pose_t pose) | Stg::StgModel | |
SetProperty(char *key, void *data) | Stg::StgModel | |
SetRangerReturn(int val) (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | |
SetSpeed(double x, double y, double a) | Stg::StgModelPosition | |
SetSpeed(stg_velocity_t vel) (defined in Stg::StgModelPosition) | Stg::StgModelPosition | |
SetStall(stg_bool_t stall) (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | |
SetToken(const char *str) (defined in Stg::StgAncestor) | Stg::StgAncestor | [inline] |
SetTurnSpeed(double a) (defined in Stg::StgModelPosition) | Stg::StgModelPosition | |
SetVelocity(stg_velocity_t vel) | Stg::StgModel | |
SetWatts(stg_watts_t watts) (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | |
SetWorldfile(Worldfile *wf, int wf_entity) | Stg::StgModel | [inline] |
SetXSpeed(double x) (defined in Stg::StgModelPosition) | Stg::StgModelPosition | |
SetYSpeed(double y) (defined in Stg::StgModelPosition) | Stg::StgModelPosition | |
SetZSpeed(double z) (defined in Stg::StgModelPosition) | Stg::StgModelPosition | |
ShiftPose(stg_pose_t *pose) (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | [protected] |
ShiftToTop() (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | [protected] |
Shutdown() (defined in Stg::StgModelPosition) | Stg::StgModelPosition | [virtual] |
shutdown_hook (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | [protected] |
stall (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | [protected] |
Stalled() | Stg::StgModel | [inline] |
Startup() (defined in Stg::StgModelPosition) | Stg::StgModelPosition | [virtual] |
startup_hook (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | [protected] |
StgAncestor() (defined in Stg::StgAncestor) | Stg::StgAncestor | |
StgModel(StgWorld *world, StgModel *parent, stg_model_type_t type=MODEL_TYPE_PLAIN) (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | |
StgModelPosition(StgWorld *world, StgModel *parent) (defined in Stg::StgModelPosition) | Stg::StgModelPosition | |
subs (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | [protected] |
Subscribe() | Stg::StgModel | |
TestCollision(stg_pose_t pose, stg_meters_t *hitx, stg_meters_t *hity) | Stg::StgModel | [protected] |
TestCollision(stg_meters_t *hitx, stg_meters_t *hity) | Stg::StgModel | [protected] |
Token() (defined in Stg::StgAncestor) | Stg::StgAncestor | [inline] |
token (defined in Stg::StgAncestor) | Stg::StgAncestor | [protected] |
trail (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | [protected] |
TreeToPtrArray(GPtrArray *array) (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | [protected] |
type | Stg::StgModel | [protected] |
typestr (defined in Stg::StgModelPosition) | Stg::StgModelPosition | [static] |
UnMap() (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | [protected] |
UnMapWithChildren() (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | [protected] |
UnsetProperty(char *key) (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | |
Unsubscribe() | Stg::StgModel | |
Update() (defined in Stg::StgModelPosition) | Stg::StgModelPosition | [virtual] |
update_hook (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | [protected] |
UpdateIfDue() (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | [protected] |
UpdatePose() (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | [protected, virtual] |
velocity (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | [protected] |
watts (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | [protected] |
wf (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | [protected] |
wf_entity (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | [protected] |
world | Stg::StgModel | [protected] |
~StgAncestor() (defined in Stg::StgAncestor) | Stg::StgAncestor | [virtual] |
~StgModel() (defined in Stg::StgModel) | Stg::StgModel | [virtual] |
~StgModelPosition() (defined in Stg::StgModelPosition) | Stg::StgModelPosition |
Generated on Wed Jul 30 11:36:06 2008 for Stage by
