World with Graphical User Interface

The Stage window consists of a menu bar and a view of the simulated world.

The world view shows part of the simulated world. You can zoom the view in and out, and scroll it to see more of the world. Simulated robot devices, obstacles, etc., are rendered as colored polygons. The world view can also show visualizations of the data and configuration of various sensor and actuator models. The View menu has options to control which data and configurations are rendered.

API: Stg::StgWorldGui

Worldfile Properties

Summary and default values
  size [ 400 300 ]
  # camera options
  center [ 0 0 ]
  rotate [ 0 0 ]
  scale 1.0

  # perspective camera options
  pcam_loc [ 0 -4 2 ]
  pcam_angle [ 70 0 ]

  # GUI options
  show_data 0
  show_flags 1
  show_blocks 1
  show_clock 1
  show_footprints 0
  show_grid 1
  show_trailarrows 0
  show_trailrise 0
  show_trailfast 0
  show_occupancy 0
  show_tree 0
  pcam_on 0
  screenshots 0

  • size [ <width:int> <height:int> ]
    size of the window in pixels
  • center [ <x:float> <y:float> ]
    location of the center of the window in world coordinates (meters)
  • rotate [ <pitch:float> <yaw:float> ]
    angle relative to straight up, angle of rotation (degrees)
  • scale <float>
    ratio of world to pixel coordinates (window zoom)
  • pcam_loc [ <x:int> <y:int> <z:int> ]
    location of the perspective camera (meters)
  • pcam_angle [ <pitch:float> <yaw:float> ]
    verticle and horizontal angle of the perspective camera
  • pcam_on <int>
    whether to start with the perspective camera enabled (0/1)

Using the Stage window

Scrolling the view

Left-click and drag on the background to move your view of the world.

Zooming the view

Scroll the mouse wheel to zoom in or out on the mouse cursor.

Saving the world

You can save the current pose of everything in the world, using the File/Save menu item. Warning: the saved poses overwrite the current world file. Make a copy of your world file before saving if you want to keep the old poses. Alternatively the File/Save As menu item can be used to save to a new world file.

Pausing and resuming the clock

The simulation can be paused or resumed by pressing the space key.

Selecting models

Models can be selected by clicking on them with the left mouse button. It is possible to select multiple models by holding the shift key and clicking on multiple models. Selected models can be moved by dragging or rotated by right click dragging. Selections can be cleared by clicking on an empty location in the world. After clearing the selection, the last single model selected will be saved as the target for several view options described below which affect a particular model.

View options

The View menu provides access to a number of features affecting how the world is rendered. To the right of each option there is usually a keyboard hotkey which can be pressed to quickly toggle the relevant option.

Sensor data visualizations can be toggled by the "Data" option. The filter data option opens a dialog which provides the ability to turn on and off visualizations of particular sensors. The "Visualize All" option in the dialog toggles whether sensor visualizations are enabled for all models or only the currently selected ones.

The "Follow" option keeps the view centered on the last selected model.

The "Perspective camera" option switches from orthogonal viewing to perspective viewing.

Saving a screenshot

To save a sequence of screenshots of the world, select the "Save screenshots" option from the view menu to start recording images and then select the option from the menu again to stop.

Generated on Wed Jul 30 11:36:06 2008 for Stage by  doxygen 1.4.7