The Player server is run as follows:
$ player [options] <configfile>
where [options] is one or more of the following:
- -h : Print usage message.
- -u <rate>: set server update rate, in Hz.
- -d <level> : debug message level (0 = none, 1 = default, 9 = all).
- -t {tcp | udp} : transport protocol to use. Default: tcp.
- -p <port> : port where Player will listen. Default: 6665.
- -s <path> : use memory-mapped IO with Stage through the devices in this directory.
- -g <id> : connect to Gazebo server with id <id> (an integer).
- -r <logfile> : read data from <logfile> (readlog driver).
- -f <speed> : readlog speed factor (e.g., 1 for normal speed, 2 for twice normal speed).
- -k <key> : require client authentication with the given key.
Note that only one of -s, -g and -r can be specified at any given time.
Generated on Tue May 3 14:16:08 2005 for Player by 1.3.6