Gazebo Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:Atrv | |
AvatarHeli | |
B21R | |
BallJoint | |
Bandit | |
BaseGeom | Base class for GL-renderable geoms |
Blimp | |
Body | Class encapsulating a physical body |
BoxGeom | |
Camera | Basic camera sensor |
CameraInterface | |
CanonVCC4 | |
CarChassis | A generic car chassis |
ClodBuster | |
ContactParams | |
CylinderGeom | |
DomeGeom | Geom for a dome |
Factory | |
FiducialInterface | |
FrustrumGeom | Geom for camera frustrums |
GarminGPS | |
GazeboClient | Gazebo client handler |
GazeboDriver | |
GazeboInterface | |
GazeboTime | |
Geom | Base class for GL-renderable geoms |
GLContext | Class for managing GL contexts |
GLExtensions | |
GripperInterface | |
GroundPlane | |
gz_camera | The camera interface |
gz_camera_data | Camera interface data |
gz_client | Client data |
gz_data | Common data header |
gz_factory | The position interface |
gz_factory_data | Factory interface |
gz_fiducial | The fiducial interface |
gz_fiducial_data | Fiducial data |
gz_fiducial_fid | Data for a single fiducial |
gz_gps | The GPS interface |
gz_gps_data | GPS interface |
gz_gripper | The gripper interface |
gz_gripper_data | Gripper data interface |
gz_guicam | The guicam interface |
gz_guicam_data | Guicam interface data |
gz_iface | |
gz_joint | The joint interface |
gz_joint_data | Individual joint data |
gz_joints | Joints interface |
gz_laser | The laser interface |
gz_laser_data | Laser data |
gz_position | The position interface |
gz_position_data | Position interface |
gz_power | The power interface |
gz_power_data | Power interface |
gz_ptz | The ptz interface |
gz_ptz_data | Ptz interface |
gz_server | Server data |
gz_sim | Simulator interface |
gz_sim_data | Common simulator data |
gz_sonar | The sonar interface |
gz_sonar_data | Sonar data interface |
gz_stereo | The stereo interface |
gz_stereo_data | Stereo interface data |
gz_truth | The truth interface |
gz_truth_data | Truth data |
gz_wifi | The truth interface |
gz_wifi_data | |
gz_wifi_link | Individual link properties |
GzColor | |
GzHomo | Matrix for homogeneous transforms on 2D points |
GzImage | |
GzPose | |
GzQuatern | |
GzVector | |
Hinge2Joint | |
HingeJoint | |
Joint | |
JointGroup | |
LaserInterface | |
LightGeom | |
LightSource | |
Model | |
ModelFactory | The model factory; the class is just for namespacing purposes |
MonoCam | |
ObserverCam | |
PeopleBot | |
Pioneer2AT | |
Pioneer2DX | |
Pioneer2Gripper | |
Pioneer2Sonars | |
PlaneGeom | Geom for an infinite plane |
Position2dInterface | |
Position3dInterface | |
PowerInterface | |
PrismGeom | |
PtzInterface | |
RayGeom | |
RayProximity | Proximity sensor with one or more rays |
RenderOptions | Options for OpenGL rendering of Geoms |
Road | A linear road model |
RoadGeom | |
SegwayRMP | |
Sensor | Base class for sensors |
ShaderManager | |
ShaderObject | |
ShaderProgram | |
Shrimp | |
ShrimpSideFork | |
SickLMS200 | Simulate SICKLMS200 scanning laser range finder |
SimpleSolid | |
SimulationInterface | |
SkyDome | |
SliderJoint | |
SonarInterface | |
SonyVID30 | |
SphereGeom | |
StereoCamera | Stereo camera sensor |
StereoHead | |
Terrain | |
TerrainGeom | |
TruthInterface | |
TruthWidget | |
UniversalJoint | |
WheelChair | |
WheelGeom | |
Wifi | |
World | The one-and-only world; all models go here |
WorldFile | Class encapsulating the world file |
WorldFileNode | Class encapsulating a single file node |