struct playerc_laser_t : Laser proxy data.
playerc_device_t info; |
Device info; must be at the start of all device structures.
double pose[3];
double size[2]; |
Laser geometry in the robot cs: pose gives the position and orientation, size gives the extent. These values are filled in by playerc_laser_get_geom().
int scan_count; |
Number of points in the scan.
double scan_res; |
Angular resolution of the scan (radians).
int range_res; |
Range resolution multiplier
double scan[PLAYERC_LASER_MAX_SAMPLES][2]; |
Scan data; range (m) and bearing (radians).
double point[PLAYERC_LASER_MAX_SAMPLES][2]; |
Scan data; x, y position (m).
Scan reflection intensity values (0-3). Note that the intensity values will only be filled if intensity information is enabled (using the set_config function).
playerc_laser_t *playerc_laser_create(playerc_client_t *client, int index); |
Create a laser proxy.
void playerc_laser_destroy(playerc_laser_t *device); |
Destroy a laser proxy.
int playerc_laser_subscribe(playerc_laser_t *device, int access); |
Subscribe to the laser device.
int playerc_laser_unsubscribe(playerc_laser_t *device); |
Un-subscribe from the laser device.
int playerc_laser_set_config(playerc_laser_t *device, double min_angle, double max_angle, int resolution, int range_res, int intensity); |
Configure the laser. min_angle, max_angle : Start and end angles for the scan. resolution : Resolution in 0.01 degree increments. Valid values are 25, 50, 100. range_res : Range resolution. Valid: 1, 10, 100. intensity : Intensity flag; set to 1 to enable reflection intensity data.
int playerc_laser_get_config(playerc_laser_t *device, double *min_angle, double *max_angle, int *resolution, int *range_res, int *intensity); |
Get the laser configuration min_angle, max_angle : Start and end angles for the scan. resolution : Resolution is in 0.01 degree increments. range_res : Range Resolution. Valid: 1, 10, 100. intensity : Intensity flag; set to 1 to enable reflection intensity data.
int playerc_laser_get_geom(playerc_laser_t *device); |
Get the laser geometry. The writes the result into the proxy rather than returning it to the caller.