struct playerc_localize_hypoth_t : Hypothesis data.
double mean[3]; |
Pose estimate (x, y, theta) in (m, m, radians).
double cov[3][3]; |
double weight; |
Weight associated with this hypothesis.
struct playerc_localize_t : Localization device data.
playerc_device_t info; |
Device info; must be at the start of all device structures.
int map_size_x, map_size_y; |
Map dimensions (cells).
double map_scale; |
Map scale (m/cell).
int map_tile_x, map_tile_y; |
Next map tile to read.
int8_t *map_cells; |
Map data (empty = -1, unknown = 0, occupied = +1).
int pending_count; |
The number of pending (unprocessed) sensor readings.
double pending_time; |
The timestamp on the last reading processed.
int hypoth_count;
playerc_localize_hypoth_t hypoths[PLAYER_LOCALIZE_MAX_HYPOTHS]; |
List of possible poses.
playerc_localize_t *playerc_localize_create(playerc_client_t *client, int index); |
Create a localize proxy.
void playerc_localize_destroy(playerc_localize_t *device); |
Destroy a localize proxy.
int playerc_localize_subscribe(playerc_localize_t *device, int access); |
Subscribe to the localize device.
int playerc_localize_unsubscribe(playerc_localize_t *device); |
Un-subscribe from the localize device.
int playerc_localize_set_pose(playerc_localize_t *device, double pose[3], double cov[3][3]); |
Set the the robot pose (mean and covariance).
int playerc_localize_get_map_info(playerc_localize_t *device); |
Retrieve the occupancy map info. The info is written into the proxy structure.
int playerc_localize_get_map_tile(playerc_localize_t *device); |
Retrieve a tile from occupancy map. The map is written into the proxy structure.
int playerc_localize_get_map(playerc_localize_t *device); |
Retrieve the entire occupancy map. The map is written into the proxy structure.
int playerc_localize_get_config(playerc_localize_t *device, player_localize_config_t *config); |
Get the current configuration.
int playerc_localize_set_config(playerc_localize_t *device, player_localize_config_t config); |
Modify the current configuration.