struct playerc_fiducial_item_t : Description for a single fiducial.
int id; |
Id (0 if fiducial cannot be identified).
double range, bearing, orient; |
Beacon range, bearing and orientation.
typedef struct |
Fiducial finder data.
playerc_device_t info; |
Device info; must be at the start of all device structures.
double pose[3];
double size[2]; double fiducial_size[2]; |
Geometry in robot cs. These values are filled in by playerc_fiducial_get_geom(). [pose] is the detector pose in the robot cs, [size] is the detector size, [fiducial_size] is the fiducial size.
int fiducial_count;
playerc_fiducial_item_t fiducials[PLAYERC_FIDUCIAL_MAX_SAMPLES]; |
List of detected beacons.
playerc_fiducial_t *playerc_fiducial_create(playerc_client_t *client, int index); |
Create a fiducial proxy.
void playerc_fiducial_destroy(playerc_fiducial_t *device); |
Destroy a fiducial proxy.
int playerc_fiducial_subscribe(playerc_fiducial_t *device, int access); |
Subscribe to the fiducial device.
int playerc_fiducial_unsubscribe(playerc_fiducial_t *device); |
Un-subscribe from the fiducial device.
int playerc_fiducial_get_geom(playerc_fiducial_t *device); |
Get the fiducial geometry. The writes the result into the proxy rather than returning it to the caller.