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4.4 comms


The comms proxy provides an interface to the network broadcast device. This device broadcasts any message sent to it onto the local network, and returns the messages broadcast by other robots. This device use broadcast UDP sockets, and therefore offers no guarantee that messages will be delivered, or that they will be delivered in the order in which they are transmitted.


struct playerc_comms_t : Comms proxy data.

playerc_device_t info;
Device info; must be at the start of all device structures.

size_t msg_len;
The most recent incoming messages.


playerc_comms_t *playerc_comms_create(playerc_client_t *client, int index);

Create a comms proxy.

void playerc_comms_destroy(playerc_comms_t *device);

Destroy a comms proxy.

int playerc_comms_subscribe(playerc_comms_t *device, int access);

Subscribe to the comms device.

int playerc_comms_unsubscribe(playerc_comms_t *device);

Un-subscribe from the comms device.

int playerc_comms_send(playerc_comms_t *device, void *msg, int len);

Send a comms message.

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