struct playerc_blobfinder_blob_t : Description of a single blob.
int channel; |
The blob "channel"; i.e. the color class this blob belongs to.
uint32_t color; |
A descriptive color for the blob. Stored as packed RGB 32, i.e.: 0x00RRGGBB.
int x, y; |
Blob centroid (image coordinates).
int area; |
Blob area (pixels).
int left, top, right, bottom; |
Bounding box for blob (image coordinates).
struct playerc_blobfinder_t : Blobfinder device data.
playerc_device_t info; |
Device info; must be at the start of all device structures.
int width, height; |
Image dimensions (pixels).
int blob_count;
playerc_blobfinder_blob_t blobs[PLAYERC_BLOBFINDER_MAX_BLOBS]; |
A list of detected blobs.
playerc_blobfinder_t *playerc_blobfinder_create(playerc_client_t *client, int index); |
Create a blobfinder proxy.
void playerc_blobfinder_destroy(playerc_blobfinder_t *device); |
Destroy a blobfinder proxy.
int playerc_blobfinder_subscribe(playerc_blobfinder_t *device, int access); |
Subscribe to the blobfinder device.
int playerc_blobfinder_unsubscribe(playerc_blobfinder_t *device); |
Un-subscribe from the blobfinder device.