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4.2 Device Summary

libplayerc has proxies for the following devices:

blobfinder Color-blob detector: an interface to a color blob detectors such as the ACTS vision system.
comms Broadcast communications device: sends and receives packets between Player clients via the server.
laser Laser device: interface for scanning laser range-finders such as the SICK LMS200.
localize Localization device: returns the global robot pose.
fiducial Fiducial detector: detects fiducials (beacons) placed in the environment.
position Position device: for control of a mobile robot platform.
power Power device: query batter levels.
ptz Pan-tilt-zoom device: an interface to a pan-tilt-zoom camera head such as the Sony EVID30
sonar Sonar device: an interface to an array of sonar range finders, such as those built into a mobile robot base.
truth Truth device: allows clients to get and set the pose of objects in the Stage simulator. Simulator only.
wifi WiFi device: queries link status on wireless networks.

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