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The BlobfinderProxy class is used to control a blobfinder device. It contains no methods. The latest color blob data is stored in blobs, a dynamically allocated 2-D array, indexed by color channel.
unsigned short width, height;
Dimensions of the camera image, in pixels
Array containing the number of blobs detected on each channel
Array containing arrays of the latest blob data. Each blob contains the following information:
- unsigned int color (in packed RGB)
- unsigned int area (blob area, in square pixels)
- unsigned short x, y (blob center, in pixels)
- unsigned short left, right, top, bottom (blob bounding box, in pixels)
- double range (range to blob center, in m)
For example, to access the area of the 0th blob on channel 2, you would refer to: blobs[2][0].area.
BlobfinderProxy(PlayerClient* pc, unsigned short index,
unsigned char access='c')
Constructor. Leave the access field empty to start unconnected.
void Print()
Print out current blob information.