libplayerc++ example
The C++ library is built on a "service proxy" model in which the client maintains local objects that are proxies for remote services. There are two kinds of proxies: the special server proxy PlayerClient and the various device-specific proxies. Each kind of proxy is implemented as a separate class. The user first creates a PlayerClient proxy and uses it to establish a connection to a Player server. Next, the proxies of the appropriate device-specific types are created and initialized using the existing PlayerClient proxy. To make this process concrete, consider the following simple example (for clarity, we omit some error-checking):
#include <iostream> #include <libplayerc++/playerc++.h> int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { using namespace PlayerCc; PlayerClient robot("localhost"); SonarProxy sp(&robot,0); Position2dProxy pp(&robot,0); for(;;) { double turnrate, speed; // read from the proxies robot.Read(); // print out sonars for fun std::cout << sp << std::endl; // do simple collision avoidance if((sp[0] + sp[1]) < (sp[6] + sp[7])) turnrate = dtor(-20); // turn 20 degrees per second else turnrate = dtor(20); if(sp[3] < 0.500) speed = 0; else speed = 0.100; // command the motors pp.SetSpeed(speed, turnrate); } }
Compile this program like so:
$ g++ -o example0 `pkg-config --cflags playerc++` `pkg-config --libs playerc++`
Be sure that libplayerc++ is installed somewhere that pkg-config can find it.
This program performs simple (and bad) sonar-based obstacle avoidance with a mobile robot . First, a PlayerClient proxy is created, using the default constructor to connect to the server listening at localhost:6665
. Next, a SonarProxy is created to control the sonars and a PositionProxy to control the robot's motors. The constructors for these objects use the existing PlayerClient proxy to establish access to the 0th sonar and position2d devices, respectively. Finally, we enter a simple loop that reads the current sonar state and writes appropriate commands to the motors.
An Automake package config file is included(playerc++.pc). To use this in your automake project, simply add the following to your or
Then, in your you can add: