Gazebo 3D multiple robot simulator with dynamics
Gazebo is a multi-robot simulator for outdoor environments. Like
Stage, it is capable of simulating a population of robots, sensors and
objects, but does so in a three-dimensional world. It generates both
realistic sensor feedback and physically plausible interactions
between objects (it includes an accurate simulation of rigid-body
- Simulation of standard robot sensors, including sonar, scanning
laser range-finders, GPS and IMU, monocular and stereo cameras.
- Models for commonly used robot types such as the Pioneer2DX,
Pioneer2AT and SegwayRMP.
- Realistic simulation of rigid-body physics: robots can push things
around, pick things up, and generally interact with the world in a
plausible manner.
- Player compatible: robots and sensors can be controlled through
standard Player interfaces.
- Stand-alone operation: programs can interact directly with the
simulator (i.e., without going through Player) using libgazebo
(included in the distribution).
- New Stereo camera model: generates stereo image
pairs, disparity and depth maps.
- New Completely re-written GUI using wxPython: most
devices can now be directly controlled/inspected through the simulator
- New Plugin models: users can develop their own
robot/sensor models, and have these models loaded dynamically at run
- New Skins: simple geometric models may be augmented
with realisitc 'skins' from 3D modelling programs.
- Gazebo is free software, released under the GNU Public License.
You are free to use, extend and modify Gazebo according to your needs,
but we would appreciate it if you would send us your
Gazebo can be downloaded from the
Download Page.
Stage and Gazebo
The Player/Stage project provides two multi-robot simulators:
Stage and Gazebo. Since Stage and Gazebo are both Player-compatible,
client programs written using one simulator can usually be run on the
other with little or no modification. The key difference between
these two simulators is that whereas Stage is designed to simulate a
very large robot population with low fidelity, Gazebo is designed to
simulated a small population with high fidelity. Thus, the two
simulator are complimentary, and users may switch back and forth
between them according to their needs.
Screen Shots
The wxPython GUI, showing a number of control panels.
Models with and without skins.
Sample Videos
These videos may not be used for commercial or for-profit purposes. They are
copyrighted by the authors.