As of March 2003 these drivers have been modified to support the b21r robot, Currently additional support has been added for the power interface and bumper interface. For the pan tilt unit on the b21r please refer to the ptu46 driver. - Toby Collett
IMPORTANT: Due to a number of initilisation issues relating to the multipart nature of the rflex driver the configuration option rflex_done must be set to 1 in the last rflex driver in the config file. This will cause the server to wait until all the rflex driver options have been parsed before launching its main thread. The driver will hang if you do not speify this value
Name | Type | Default | Meaning |
rflex_serial_port | string | none | Serial port connected to RFlex device. See note 5. |
mm_length | string | none | Length of the robot in millimeters |
mm_width | string | none | Width of the robot in millimeters |
odo_distance_conversion | string | none | Odometry conversion. See Note 1. |
odo_angle_conversion | string | none | Odometry conversion. See Note 2. |
default_trans_acceleration | string | none | Set translational acceleration, in mm. |
default_rot_acceleration | string | none | Set rotational acceleration, in radians. |
Name | Type | Default | Meaning |
rflex_serial_port | string | none | Serial port connected to RFlex device. See note 5. |
range_distance_conversion | string | none | Sonar range conversion factor. See Note 7. |
sonar_age | string | none | Prefiltering parameter. See Note 3. |
max_num_sonars | string | none | See Note 4. |
num_sonars | string | none | See Note 4. |
num_sonar_banks | string | none | See Note 4. |
num_sonars_possible_per_bank | string | none | See Note 4. |
num_sonars_in_bank | string | none | See Note 4. |
mmrad_sonar_poses | string | none | Sonar positions and directions. See Note 6. |
Name | Type | Default | Meaning |
rflex_serial_port | string | none | Serial port connected to RFlex device. See note 5. |
bumper_count | int | none | Number of bumper panels |
bumper_def | float tuple | none | Tuple of geometry for each bumper |
rflex_bumper_address | int | 64 | The base address of first bumper in the DIO address range |
Name | Type | Default | Meaning |
rflex_serial_port | string | none | Serial port connected to RFlex device. See note 5. |
rflex_base_bank | int | 0 | Base IR Bank |
rflex_bank_count | int | 0 | Number of banks in use |
rflex_banks | int tuple | [0] | Number of IR sensors in each bank |
pose_count | int | 0 | Total Number of IR sensors |
ir_min_range | int | 0 | Min range of ir sensors (mm) (Any range below this is returned as 0) |
ir_max_range | int | 0 | Max range of ir sensors (mm) (Any range above this is returned as max) |
rflex_ir_calib | float tuple | [1 1] | IR Calibration data (see Note 8) |
poses | float tuple | [0] | x,y,theta of sensors (mm, mm, deg) |
Name | Type | Default | Meaning |
rflex_serial_port | string | none | Serial port connected to RFlex device. See note 5. |
rflex_power_offset | int | 0 | The calibration constant for the power calculation in decivolts |