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4.10 ptz


The ptz proxy provides an interface to pan-tilt units such as the Sony PTZ camera.


struct playerc_ptz_t : PTZ device data.

playerc_device_t info;
Device info; must be at the start of all device structures.

double pan, tilt;
The current ptz pan and tilt angles. pan : pan angle (+ve to the left, -ve to the right). tilt : tilt angle (+ve upwrds, -ve downwards).

double zoom;
The current zoom value (field of view angle).


playerc_ptz_t *playerc_ptz_create(playerc_client_t *client, int index);

Create a ptz proxy.

void playerc_ptz_destroy(playerc_ptz_t *device);

Destroy a ptz proxy.

int playerc_ptz_subscribe(playerc_ptz_t *device, int access);

Subscribe to the ptz device.

int playerc_ptz_unsubscribe(playerc_ptz_t *device);

Un-subscribe from the ptz device.

int playerc_ptz_set(playerc_ptz_t *device, double pan, double tilt, double zoom);

Set the pan, tilt and zoom values.

int playerc_ptz_set_ws(playerc_ptz_t *device, double pan, double tilt, double zoom, double panspeed, double tiltspeed);

Set the pan, tilt and zoom values. (and speed)

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