Ranger to dio converter. More...
Ranger to dio converter.
The rangertodio driver converts ranger scans to boolean values according to given threshold value.
- Compile-time dependencies
- none
- Provides
- Requires
- Configuration requests
- none
- Configuration file options
- start_idx (integer)
- Default: 0
- Index of the first usable element in scans array
- end_idx (integer)
- Default: -1
- Index of the last usable element in scans array (-1 = the end of array)
- end_idx should be greater or equal to start_idx
- bits (integer)
- Default: 32
- Number of bits to set (1..32)
- threshold (float)
- Default: 1.0
- Distance threshold
- turn_power_on
- Default: 0
- If set to 1 causes power request to be sent at setup time
- Example
driver ( name "rangertodio" provides ["dio:0"] requires ["ranger:0"] start_idx 2 end_idx 5 bits 2 threshold 1.5 )