Graphical User Interface
The graphical user interface allows the user to navigate through the world, and recieve information about the simulation.Movement and Other Controlls
Movement through the world is accomplished via a combination of the mouse and keyboard. The mouse is used to free-look when when left mouse button is pressed. Only the pitch and yaw of the camera is controllable.Translation through the world is accomplished using the W,A,S,D,Q,E keys:
- W : forward
- A : left
- S : back
- D : right
- Q : up
- E : down
Other key bindings:
- SPACE : Pause / start the physics engine. When in STEP mode, cause the physics engine to increment one step.
- TAB : Show / hide the heads up display.
- ESC : Quit
- [ : Switch to previous camera, if available
- ] : Switch to next camera, if available
- T : Start / stop stepping of the physics engine.
- H : Dispaly help

Gazebo Heads Up Display