The device proxy provides a `generic' interface to the functionality that is shared by all devices (i.e., a base class, in OOP parlance). This proxy can be accessed through the info element present in each of the device proxies. In general, this proxy should not be used directly.
struct playerc_device_t : Generic device info.
playerc_client_t *client; |
Pointer to the client proxy.
int code, index; |
Device code, index.
char drivername[PLAYER_MAX_DEVICE_STRING_LEN]; |
The driver name.
int subscribed; |
The subscribe flag is non-zero if the device has been successfully subscribed (read-only).
double datatime; |
Data timestamp, i.e., the time at which the data was generated (s).
int fresh; |
Freshness flag. Set to 1 whenever data is dispatched to this proxy. Useful with the mclient, but the user must manually set it to 0 after using the data